Monday, June 12, 2023





As we continue this devotional teaching on the spirit of Elijah, I would like to recommend that if you have not yet read/watched Part 1 to do so before proceeding with this one, as it sets the foundation for this overall teaching.  Every house has a foundation, and without it, nothing else can be built upon it. 


This devotional teaching will be packed full as was Part 1 and will also include visions and dreams.  This is Father’s way to bring His message across to me… either giving me dreams and visions or giving them to others who then share them with me.  Just as has been with teachings in the past, those who do share their dreams and visions with me are completely unaware at the time of sharing of what Father was showing me for His message.  It is amazing how He uses the Body to work together to minister to one another.


In Part 1, I mentioned that I had a vision with two parts to it.  The first part was of a man who was being tied to an altar with leather straps, and this is what Part 1 was basically about… tying the sacrifice to the altar and allowing God to have His way in us in order to produce that spirit of Elijah.  The second part of the vision was when I had started walking with my wolf.  Today’s teaching, Part 2, will be about this part of the vision regarding the wolf and how Father opened up the whole theme to me to give us a sanctified version of it.  In scripture, He talks many times in symbolism.  An example is in the Garden of Eden when there was a snake or serpent that beguiled Eve, and then later we are also told that we need to be as wise or cunning as a serpent.  Obviously, He can use various things, including animals, in any way to give us a message.  The second part of what we will discuss here, with the wolf being the first part, is about the doctrine of Jezebel and she being the one who comes against the prophets.  It’s the spirit of Elijah that will come against the spirit of Jezebel in this last time.  We will discuss her doctrine in the detail of what Father has shown me.  Because I have been called to prepare the Worker Bride for the time to come, and the Jezebel spirit is what we will be facing, then it will be good for us to have an understanding of what it will take to come against this spirit.


 Let’s start with the wolf by referring to the picture I have attached at the top of this writing. 

This is a painting I created that hangs on the wall in my prayer/study room.  It is of a little girl with a scroll in her hand.  She is looking intently upon the scroll, and there is a wolf right next to her, somewhat above her.  This painting depicts a vision I had about two years ago.  First I saw the little girl in a beautiful white dress intently looking at the scroll, and then the next moment, I saw a majestic wolf appearing above her.  The wolf was beautiful with gold and ocher colors, and reds all throughout his coat.  The idea I had about this wolf was that he was protective over this little girl.  When Father showed me the little girl, I had a clear understanding of what this was about, but the wolf was confusing me a bit since there’s really not anything in scripture that is positive about a wolf.  We know about wolves in sheep’s clothing, we know that wolves come to devour, and they are tied to deception.  In addition, Yeshua said that He sends us as sheep to the slaughter amongst wolves.  This connection to the wolf in the vision was confusing to me, but Father did begin to bring understanding to this connection after I asked Him to please reveal it to me.  Not long after this, my daughter and I decided we were going to watch something on TV and began looking for something.  The first thing we came upon, and quite quickly, was called, “Vicky and Mysterie”, a French movie, and it was about a little girl and her wolf.  Obviously I knew Father wanted me to watch this, and so we did.  The movie was about a little girl who received a dog that ended up being a wolf.  The man who gave it to her said that it was a mystery not knowing where the dog came from. The dog was actually a wolf, and she and this wolf became very good friends.  This is an important connection.  Then I was listening to a teaching where the person was talking about John 10, including the topic of the wolves, or the hirelings, breaking in to the sheep and how the sheep know the voice of the Shepherd.  When the speaker mentioned wolves, the Spirit told me to look up the constellation of a wolf.  I don’t know anything about constellations, but in faith, I looked it up.  Of course, wouldn’t you know, there is a constellation of a wolf with a little child.  He was clearly showing me that this was from Him and that I should take note to what He was working in me.  After this, He gave me so many different things about wolves.  Then the subject faded away and was not as much of a focus, but now lately He has begun bringing it up again.


A few of the other things that Father has brought upon my path is both a vision and a dream from two people who did not know about the context of what He had already shown me.  I have said in several recent teachings that Yeshua told His disciples in Luke 11 that the Queen of the South with the men of Ninevah will rise up in judgment to condemn this wicked generation.  Judgment is speaking of darkness and condemnation.  I am sharing this in light of the dream that my friend Simoné had and shared with me.



Simoné came to my house, and we were going to go to a reunion together.  I was in my room.  When she walked into my room, she saw that I had black lipstick and eyeliner, black nails, black hair, and I was just completely painted black, so to speak.  She asked me if I was sure I was doing the right thing, and I responded carefreely that yes, this is how I wanted to look.  When we got to the reunion, the people did not like how I looked and were not approving at all.  She defended me, reminding them of all I had done with the devotional teachings.  She said that I treated them with love, and I was not phased one bit about their disapproval. 


Me being completely “painted black” in my appearance was me being painted in a black light because of what I will speak, which will be judgment coming from my mouth. 


The soothsayers of old gave prophecies that tickled the ears, but the prophets who carried the burden of the Lord were often seen as prophets of doom.  This is why Ahab said to Elijah, “Art thou he that troubleth Israel?”(1 Kings 18:17), basically saying that Elijah was the one troubling them with all the doom he was spreading around.  Here he was being painted in a black light.  Another lady had a vision of me, again not knowing anything about the wolf.  



She saw me standing in front of a mirror looking just like I do now, and she passed me.  The Spirit told her to turn back to me, and when she did, she saw that my whole face had turned into a black wolf.  My mouth was wide open with sharp teeth showing.  (Obviously, this vision left questions in her mind, just as it would me; and she had no idea at that time of the significance of what Father was showing her.) 


Me turning into a wolf is symbolic of the fierceness of judgment that will come, with the emphasis on the teeth and being painted once again in a black light.


Through my research about the wolf, the Lord led me to the tribe of Benjamin.  As pertaining to this teaching, this tribe is a type and shadow of Elijah, John the Baptist, the Queen of the South, and the Smyrna group.  They are all types and shadows that form the Worker Bride that will be here during the tribulation to bring in the great harvest.  I’ve done several devotional teachings on this, including “The Queen of the South”, “Remember Me, Church of Smyrna”, and now the second part of this one, “The Spirit of Elijah – Part 1”, which is linked to John the Baptist, because Yeshua said that he was as Elijah who has come.  Now with this second part I am bringing in the tribe of Benjamin, which is the wolf.  Again, all of this form the same group, the Worker Group during the tribulation. 


I would like to now discuss a few things about wolves in general.  As we have the Alpha and Omega, they also have an Alpha male as well as an Alpha female.  They mate for life.  The Alpha male is very protective over the pack, and they usually stand very high on a mountain or hill overlooking the pack to protect them. They are fierce hunters, very ravenous, they fight to the death, and they are willing to give their lives for the pack.  These are warrior animals, and they are all about the pack or the family.  Dogs come from wolves. In scripture, dogs have different meanings.  In Mark 7, the Syrophoenician woman wanted healing for her daughter, and Yeshua said that it was not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs (verse 27).  She responded with telling Him that even the dogs feed on the crumbs from under the children’s table, meaning the Gentiles can feed on the crumbs from the table of the Jews.  In this instance, dogs are related to Gentiles.  Also in scripture, dogs are representative of male prostitutes.  They can also represent demons as “hounds of hell”.  If you go to my devotional teaching, “Two Johns and a Jezebel”, I discuss a dream that includes black dogs as a reference to the enemy. With regard to wolves or dogs, we can also think of false prophets and false teachers.  Then on the other hand, we know generally speaking, that dogs are known as man’s best friend.  Many times when interpreting dreams for people, they have dreamt of a dog, and in the dream it is a representation of a friend in their life.  Then we have John the Baptist who was known as the friend of the Bridegroom. 


Going back to Benjamin, let’s read about Benjamin in Genesis, where Jacob speaks a blessing over his 12 sons, and in Deuteronomy, where Moses speaks a blessing over the tribes.  We will look at Deuteronomy first, where it is important to note that he speaks his blessing over Benjamin, and right after this, he speaks a blessing over Joseph.  We almost always find Benjamin and Joseph together.



12 And of Benjamin he said, The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between his shoulders..


In the blessing to Benjamin, “shoulders” is a reference to government… ruling and reigning.  Just like Joseph ruled and reigned in Egypt and the government rests on the shoulders of Yeshua.  We can visualize Benjamin being carried on the shoulders by God, strapped between His shoulders in His government.  Just like John the Revelator is known as the beloved as he laid with his head upon Yeshua’s bosom, so here Benjamin is called this as well.  Both of these cases speak of intimacy and authority. 


Now let’s go to Jacob’s blessing in Genesis 49.  Once again, Benjamin and Joseph are together, and in this blessing Joseph comes before Benjamin.



27 Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.


The tribe of Benjamin was known as warriors, and they devoured as ravenous wolves.  They had a bad time in history as well, but they were warriors. 


Now let’s go to Joseph and see how he reacted to Benjamin, and this is very important.  This is also in Genesis, chapter 43.  As we read this, remember that we are the Benjamites, the ravenous wolves against the enemy during the time to come.



29 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw his brother Benjamin, his mother's son, and said, Is this your younger brother, of whom ye spake unto me? And he said, God be gracious unto thee, my son.

30 And Joseph made haste; for his bowels did yearn upon his brother: and he sought where to weep; and he entered into his chamber, and wept there.

31 And he washed his face, and went out, and refrained himself, and said, Set on bread.


When Joseph saw his brother Benjamin, he was so moved that he yearned for him.  This yearning is to be deeply moved with passion and a deep yearning.  The reference to bowels means his womb, which is tender love as cherishing a fetus.  Just as a mother or a father has a tender love for their baby in the womb, this is the same tender love the Father has for His Benjamins.  As I said, Benjamin and Joseph are always together; they are inseparable.  Just as where Yeshua was, you would find John; they were always together.


Now let’s look at a few facts about Benjamin.  His name means “beloved son”, just as John was known as the beloved.  He is also known as the “son of pain” because Rachel gave birth to him in great pain.  This pain means tribulation.  He is also known as the “son of my right hand”.  In Psalm 45, the Queen of the South stands at the right hand of the King, and that right hand means south.  In this name, “son of my right hand”, right also means south.  Here we obviously have a connection.  Also, Benjamin had 10 sons, and all of them had a name that referred to Joseph in some way.  That’s how much Benjamin loved Joseph.  The name of one of his sons means “the one whose wedding I never saw”, which obviously is quite interesting.  So here we have the context with Benjamin and the wolf as well as the connection to Joseph.


In looking back to the painting of the little girl and the wolf, I said earlier that I knew what she represented.  If I were to give her a name, I would call her Lily, because she represents guilelessness.  In “Two Johns and a Jezebel” I speak about being without guile, so this is a reference to that.  Children are innocent, pure, and they are virginal.  She is dressed in white, and she is a child.  Being innocent is also connected with a dove.  In the Song of Solomon, the Bride and the Bridegroom are called “my dove”.  She also has red shoes on, and this speaks of a sanctified walk where she has been set apart.  She is holding a scroll, a reference to Ezekiel 2 where Ezekiel received a scroll and was told that he must eat it.  What was written above and below on the scroll was lamentations, mournings, and woes, which speaks of the whole of the tribulation.  It has to be eaten.  If you go back to Part 1 of this teaching, I talk about the fact that those who will judge have been judged themselves.  Those who can call down fire have gone through the fire.  With this scroll that Ezekiel was told to eat were lamentations, which referred to the destruction of Jerusalem as explained in the book of Lamentations.  The mournings refer to the Seals period where there will be all calamities of nature, financial, wars, persecution, and all that takes place then.  Then the woes are about the Trumpet period where the bowls are being poured out, as explained in the book of Revelation.  The Workers will receive this scroll to eat, so to speak, having gone through it first personally as to set them apart, already having allowed God to judge them so that they may speak the required judgment during this time.  Now you can understand the fierceness or ravenous attribute of the wolf that is in conjunction with the innocence of the little girl, being made pure and set apart to God.  This is the disposition of Elijah.  The spirit of Elijah is two-fold.  It is the innocence and humility and purity of heart, being the opposite of the spirit of Jezebel which is pride, a religious spirit, and a rebellious and promiscuous spirit.  Then, as Jezebel as a wolf with all the false prophets and teachers, so the Bride rising up – that Queen of the South, that Benjamin – will be also as ravenous.  As I said in Part 1, the sheep cannot protect themselves against these wolves; they need the Shepherds to be as wolves to come against these other wolves.  This innocence and purity of the little girl along with the strength and fierceness of the wolf make up the spirit of Elijah that God is working in us.


We find two Johns and two Josephs in scripture, and I will explain what I mean by this.  With the two Johns, we have Nathaniel right at the end of John 1 who Yeshua sees under the fig tree and says about him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.” (John 1:47)  He is guileless and innocent, like Lily in my painting.  Then in Revelation 14, it talks about the virgins and their mouths being without guile and that they are pure having not fornicated with women, which represents the world, or even Jezebel too.  The virgins are both male and female who are pure and guileless in heart.  So these are the guileless ones, the 144,000, and their representation is Philip who we find in Acts 13 who had four daughters who were prophetesses.  Nathaniel represents the 144,000 of the Seals period, and Philip represents the 144,000 of the Trumpets period.  It is important to note that Philip is the one who brought Nathaniel to Yeshua, so the two were together in the beginning.  Nathaniel was brought to Yeshua in the same way that Benjamin was brought by his brothers to Joseph.  It is interesting that in John 1:45-46, Philip told Nathaniel that they had found the Messiah, referring to him as “the son of Joseph”, to which Nathaniel asks if anything good could come out of Nazareth.  This now takes us to the two Josephs.  Philip’s reference to “the son of Joseph” was obviously in reference to Yeshua’s earthly father, but this is also a reference to Acts 2.  This is because Peter, after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, told the people that this was that which was prophesied by the prophet Joel, that the Spirit would be poured out and many would have dreams and visions.  What was the first Joseph known for… dreams and visions.  We find that when Yeshua was born, his father Joseph placed Him in a manger in Bethlehem.  Bethlehem represents birth or beginning.  When He was buried in a tomb, the tomb belonged to a man named Joseph as well.  The tomb is a representation of death and resurrection.  We find a Joseph in the beginning, and we find a Joseph in the end.  In the story of the first Joseph, he ruled and reigned as second in command after Pharoah of Egypt.  Egypt is a type and shadow of this world, so he will be the last as well.  Joseph is the first and the last.  This is the same with the Smyrna group… they are sent out first, but they will rule and reign at the last when they are raised up from the dead.  The first and the last.


Just before I started this devotional teaching, I had a dream and will share it now.



I can’t remember what I said, but I was teaching people about the numbers 27, 28, and 29.  These numbers were in my head the whole time until I woke up.


In looking up the numbers, once again Father confirmed His message.  Starting with 29, it means “Father is Yah”.  28 means “my Father takes knowledge”.  27 means “beloved, my Father is judge, Prince of Benjamin”.  In putting these meanings together, it reads, “Yah, my Father, takes knowledge and will judge through His beloved Benjamin”.  A wonderful confirmation.


I would like to talk now about the wolf connection with John the Baptist and Benjamin and where that comes in, as well as the connection to the vision the lady had of me as a wolf showing my teeth.  For this, let’s go to Isaiah 41.



But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.

Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.

10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

11 Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.

12 Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought.

13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

14 Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the Lord, and thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

15 Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.

16 Thou shalt fan them, and the wind shall carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them: and thou shalt rejoice in the Lord, and shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel.

17 When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them.

18 I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.

19 I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the shittah tree, and the myrtle, and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the fir tree, and the pine, and the box tree together:

20 That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the Lord hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it.


In verse 19, trees are a representation of man, just as the man who Yeshua healed of blindness spoke that he saw men walking around as trees at first.  Back to verse 15, He says that He will make him a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth, and with these teeth He will thresh the mountains and beat them small and make the hills as chaff.  Let’s now go to Luke 3 where it talks about John the Baptist.



As it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth;

And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.

16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:

17 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.


Remember that Elijah is he who comes with fire.  We find here that Elijah is the one who is breaking down the mountains and the hills.  Then we have the baptizer of fire, who is Yeshua, and He is fanning his flame.  He will be working together with the Elijah group.  We know that Jezebel’s works were destroyed by fire, because the God of fire answered.  This is why when we read in Revelation 2 about the church of Thyatira, He comes with fire in His eyes talking about Jezebel.  We must connect fire with Elijah and Jezebel.  You can also see the connection with the teeth and bringing down the mountains.


The other day, I sat overwhelmed just by the understanding of the call upon my life.  I sat and thought about the responsibility of speaking to people who may be called to lay their lives down and be martyrs, and some will be cast into prison.  What Father has called me to do is prepare the Worker Brides to endure till the end.  Sometimes it is too much to take in, so I just sat and thought about it and it truly overwhelmed me.  At that moment, Father reminded me of a message that someone emailed to me when I left the forum where I had been ministering for some time.  This person said to me that he saw me as a “warrior spirit woman”.  I went to look up his full message, and then I remembered that he sent me a video, and he said that I am a warrior spirit woman and he will always be my friend.  I knew then why Father wanted me to go back and look, because the video was an excerpt from the movie, “Dances with Wolves”.  The excerpt is about a warrior friend of the main character that Kevin Costner plays, and this friend was greeting him as he left.  Kevin Costner was on his horse with the woman he had fallen in love with, and they were both leaving everyone.  The warrior was high on a hill looking down on them, and he shouted his greeting to them.  As he spoke to them, he began with Kevin Costner’s name that had been given to him, “Dances with Wolves”.  This name was given to him, because there was one wolf that followed him wherever he went (just like the virgins follow the Lamb wherever He goes), and they saw him playing with the wolf, thus the name “Dances with Wolves”.  The warrior’s name who shouts the greeting is “Wind in His Hair”. 


He says to them as they are leaving, “Dances with Wolves, I am Wind in His Hair.  Do you see that I am your friend?  Can you see that you will always be my friend?” 


This is exactly what Father was saying to me and why He reminded me to look at this message from my friend.  I continued to think about this whole thing and realized that “Wind in His Hair” is a representation of the Holy Spirit in this personal message to me from the Father.  Yeshua told Nicodemus in John 3:8 that the Spirit moves just like the wind, and no one knows where it comes from or where it is going.  “Dances with Wolves” is the Joseph who dances with the wolves, his Benjamins.  The woman next to him is his bride, and her name is Lakota, and she is that wolf that he dances with, so to speak.  I looked up the name Lakota and didn’t find anything, but I did find that the Lakota Native American tribes are in North and South Dakota.  I found the meaning of “Dakota”, and it means “friend, ally, and forever smiling”.  I was then prompted by the Holy Spirit to look up the meaning of Kevin Costner’s first name, and “Kevin” means “comely, beloved, and handsome”.  This sounds like Solomon in the Song of Songs, and in Luke 11, He said He was there as One greater than Solomon, with His Queen.  We can see this whole connection, but specifically Father wanted me to understand that though the responsibility of my call is overwhelming, His Holy Spirit is with me, and He is in me, and I am in Him; and we are friends.  John the Baptist is known as the friend of the Bridegroom.  This was so special.


Now that we have discussed the wolf and made the connection with Elijah, John the Baptist, the Queen of the South, and Smyrna to Benjamin, we will move on to the ravenous part of the wolf.  We will now talk about why they all need to be ravenous, and in doing so we will deal about the doctrine of Jezebel.  In Part 1 of this devotional teaching, I was talking about how Ahab and Jezebel go together just like Herod and his adulterous woman (who is actually his brother’s wife).  Then I mentioned that with the church of Pergamos we have a representation of the antichrist, because it talks about satan’s seat, with “seat” referring to government.  And we also have the church of Thyatira which involves Jezebel, the false prophetess, which is a representation of the false prophet to come.  We have the antichrist and false prophet, we have Ahab who was known as the most wicked king ever with his wife Jezebel, and then we have Herod who was the king with his adulterous woman.  Here we see the connection of how these all go together. 


We will go now to Luke’s discourse in chapter 11.  Just prior to what took place in these scriptures, the Pharisees were giving Yeshua a hard time, and he called them a brood of vipers.



45 Then answered one of the lawyers, and said unto him, Master, thus saying thou reproachest us also.

46 And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers.

47 Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.

48 Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres.

49 Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:

50 That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation;

51 From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation.

52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.


In verse 50, He is saying that this generation, the one we are in now, will be required to pay for the blood of all the prophets from the foundation of this world.  That is how God feels about His true prophets and His friends.  He is speaking against the lawyers and the Pharisees.  The lawyers represent the law, and the Pharisees represent the traditions of men.  He is saying that they bind people with their law and their traditions.  We need to understand that we are now reading about the discourse.  We are not now under the law, and we don’t have the traditions of the Pharisees.  So how this will play out in the time to come is what we will talk more about.  It also says that the blood of the prophets will be required of this generation.  We read in Revelation 17 where the harlot Jezebel rides the beast, and she is drunk with the blood of the saints, so we know there will be a payday, so to speak. 


We’ve been talking about the spirit of Elijah coming with God’s judgment like a ravenous wolf against the spirit of Jezebel in the time to come.  We’ve also talked about the spirit of Elijah operating in meekness and humility as well, which is the opposite of the spirit of Jezebel.  This week while Father was talking to me about this message, I woke up one morning, and I clearly heard 1 Peter 5.  Here Peter is talking to the elders and giving them instruction.



1 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:

Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;

Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock.

And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.


The elders are the shepherds of the flock.  When Yeshua asked Peter if he loved Him, He then told him to feed His sheep.  The shepherds feed the flock, which is what Peter is telling them to do.  The Chief Shepherd of course is the One over them, and they being the shepherds are the five-fold ministry.  I discuss this in Part 1 where in Psalm 144, David says that the Lord teaches His hand to war and His fingers to make war.  The hand is a representation of the five-fold ministry, the shepherds who look after the children.  Then I mentioned how also in this psalm David says that the sons may be as plants and the daughters as cornerstones.  The plants, or terebinths, are pillars, and the cornerstones are also pillars.  Now James, John, and Peter are known as the pillars of faith, so what is the responsibility of the elders?  It is to make their children as pillars, as apostles and prophets and teachers, and all the others of the five-fold ministry.  They are working to make them grow up in stature and be strong, that their character will endure.  They also protect them from deception and help them to grow in Christ that He would be formed in them.  This is the responsibility of the pillars or the elders… to create more pillars.  We are to want those who follow us to exceed us, that God would bless them so much that the favor of God would be more for them than on us.  That should be the heart of a shepherd.


The term “elder” means “of rank or office”.  A “pillar” means “a terebinth, an oak tree that is fire resistant, and foster father and mother”.  These pillars are responsible to look after the children.  There’s also the term of “heavy shepherding”, which I don’t know if is still applicable, but it’s got to do with controlling or manipulating through your office.  The filthy lucre that Peter mentions is doing something for greed or dishonest gain, which can also be to lift yourself up on a pedestal to be worshipped, which includes financially as well.  He is exhorting the elders to really look after the sheep.  Now let’s go to 1 Corinthians 4.



15 For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.


Paul is saying that he has birthed them and that he is their father, even though they may have 10,000 instructors.  This word “instructor” was used for the slaves that were responsible for looking after and tutoring the sons and daughters of a family, somewhat like guardians.  Peter is saying that they actually need fathers and mothers.  When we look up “fathers” in the Strong’s, it means “one who stands in a father’s place and looks after another in a paternal way, a title of honor, teachers, those to whom pupils trace back the knowledge and training they have received”.  Another word for these fathers is apostles.  The fingers on the hand, or the five-fold ministry, are the pillars, and they almost look like pillars when you look at your fingers.  These pillars are the apostle, prophet, teacher, evangelist, and pastor; and they are shepherds.  With foster mothers and fathers, God’s order is that the women look after the women, and the men look after men.  It is not good for a woman to be in a long-standing mentoring relationship with a man, and vice versa.  It is okay for advice to be given, just as Deborah gave advice as a judge over the nation, as many came to her for wisdom and guidance.  With regard to a personal spiritual relationship, it must be a man with a man and a woman with a woman.  We must protect ourselves in this way, as the enemy is very cunning.


Let’s discuss now the apostolic sending, and we find this first in Acts 13. 



1 Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.

And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.


The word “apostle” means “to be sent”.  Within this body of believers, the Holy Spirit tells them to set apart Barnabas and Saul to send them out, after they fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them to bless them.  Apostles are to be sent out, but before this, they have to grow up in maturity and be established as pillars. 


Going back to 1 Peter 5, it is interesting that it talks about how the elders must have a willing mind to look after the flock and feed them, without taking lordship over them.  It doesn’t mean to do this because you have no choice, but because you have counted the cost and you want to look after the flock in this time to come.  You have counted the cost of what you will face, and you willingly and voluntarily consent to be what God has called you to be and do.  Specifically it says to have a “ready mind”, and this is G4290 in the Strong’s and means “forward in spirit, fierceness, pre-disposed”; in other words, determined and focused and not playing games.  This is the type of father and mother we are to be… like the wolf in my painting.  They are loving and soft and caring, but at the same time, they are strict. 


Father took me to watch a video of a female alpha wolf to see how she growls at her little ones, and it looks like she will eat them up.  She looks vicious showing her teeth as she growls, and the reason for this is that she wants them to become independent of her.  The growling was to get them to stay away from her that they may grow independently.  A pillar stands independently and stands alone.  Leaders stand alone and have people under them.  We are to create pillars just as Peter tells the elders in 1 Peter 5. 

Right after he speaks to them, he speaks to the flock, those under the elders, and tells them in verse 5, “Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble”.  He ends it in verse 10 by saying to them that once they have suffered, the Lord will perfect and establish them.  That word “establish” means to “be secure, set, firm, to be a pillar”.  Exactly like Psalm 144, the influence of those elders and how they are like the wolf will cause the sheep to become pillars as well.  This will not be easy in the time to come, primarily because of the challenges we will all face.  The words, “be subject to one another” from verse 5 is G5293, and it means “a Greek military term meaning to arrange troop divisions in a military function under the command of a leader; in a non-military use, it is a voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, and assuming responsibility, and carrying a burden”.  So he was telling them to come together in a unit and submit to one another, to submit to the voice of Yeshua through the elders, and to be able to recognize His voice through them.  The sheep will know His voice, even if that voice has to come through an elder.  This spirit of submission and cooperation is a completely different spirit than that of Jezebel, which is prideful, rebellious, contentious, and religious. This spirit that Peter speaks of is the spirit that must be fostered in this time.


The responsibility of the prophets and apostles sent out in this time will be to take oversight, which means to be aware and inspect.  They will have to inspect for false doctrine.  They must be voluntary servants who minister in humility with a ready mind, which means to be strict.  In this, we will be like wolves, because the sheep cannot protect themselves, and we will be going against false doctrine in the midst.  Yeshua said in Luke 11 that we would be sent out like sheep amongst wolves.  In this case, He was not referring to false doctrine but persecution.


Now I would like to share a dream had by my friend Chantel that holds hands with the responsibilities we will carry as we’ve been discussing here. 



She dreamed that she was on an island.  It was a place of safety and they grow their own food.  She knew that she was in control of this island.  There was a small control centre, not a high building, at a landing strip for small aeroplanes.  The planes would come in to bring supplies.  She also saw tables or stations set out to receive the supplies.  A plane was coming in, which they did not expect at all, and it landed for about two minutes and then started to fly again, then turning upside down and turning back to land.  They were not expecting this plane.  When she came to the pilot still sitting in the plane, she saw that the window was opened as one would do with a car window, going down.  The pilot was the King of Saudi-Arabia whom she knew was very evil.  That would be an Arab king.  He looked at her and told her that he wanted her and that she was going to look after his children.  He had an AK-47 with him.  He shot at her, but only around her feet and said, “I am coming to get you!”.  She said that even though she knew there were other people as well, she only saw him.  These people started executing everyone in rows on the island. 

The next moment they are on a speedboat and all the children are tied to the boat on the water, hanging onto water tubes.  Chantel was very concerned for these children and one child fell off.  She was in the sea trying to find this child in the waves.  She could see that he was bloated, although not dead.  He was badly injured and she just wanted this child to get to the hospital.

The next moment the scene changed and she was walking to a building with bare feet on thorns.  Somebody came and took her to the building, still on the island.  She called her mother for help saying that they are planning to kidnap her and she will never see her mom again.  In this dream Chantel had long beautiful hair and bare feet.  She also previously shared a dream with me where she was also in a shopping mall with the most beautiful long hair and bare feet.


Chantel’s long hair speaks of the glory of the Lord on her.  In scripture a woman’s hair is her glory.  She is a bride and an apostle, and the Acts 2 outpouring of the Holy Spirit is upon her.  Her bare feet speak of walking in humility.  The thorns are those thorns mentioned in my previous devotional where the Son of Man will find himself amongst thorns, briars and scorpions, referring to slander and verbal assault on those apostles and prophets sent out.  This is in the “Prophets Amongst Us” video where I talk about how they will not listen to what we have to say.

The island speaks of a designated area that she has control over.  She is in control of the control centre, just as an apostle or pastor or elder has control of his/her designated area.  The aeroplane speaks of that which the enemy tries to bring into the church via false prophets and false teachers.  They are his prophets, who sit at the table of Jezebel and deceive the children of God.  The King of Saudi-Arabia speaks of the anti-Christ.  Noah first let the raven out and then the dove.  The dove speaks of the Holy Spirit outpouring, and the raven in the Strong’s concordance means Arab.  The raven speaks of the anti-Christ.  So, the timing of the tribulation is shown here during the time when the anti-Christ will be here persecuting the saints.  The men with him killing and assassinating the people speak of the beheading and persecution of the saints.  Interestingly enough, beheadings take place in Saudi-Arabia, which is what will happen to those who refuse to take the mark of the beast.

The window of the aeroplane going down slowly like a car window speaks of revelation…a time when the anti-Christ will be clearly revealed to the saints.  They will know it is him.  He wants her, which is to say… the enemy will be after those sent by God.  Just like Ahab and Jezebel went after the prophets.

The letter and numbers of the AK-47 are A(1) + K(16) = 116 + 47

Strong’s 116 means Athens… which is a reference to being sent to the marketplace, also mentioned in a previous dream in my devotional teaching “Apostolic Sending and Seeing” where I was talking about Paul going to Athens.  It refers to apostolic sending.  The 47 means valiant and mighty.  

The plane turning upside down is the twisting of scripture.  The supplies being brought in and the children she now has to look after are those he is holding captive, being tied to the speedboat.  They are holding onto water tubes, which is filled with wind.  This refers to being tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine.  The sea speaks of the Word of God, but they are holding on for dear life on to the tubes.  The child she rescues is bloated, pointing to pride.

The enemy is very much into “child trafficking”, and he does this via false prophets and false teachers.


At this point let’s go to 2 Peter 2.



But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.


Speaking of the false prophets here, Peter says they will “make merchandise” of them.  This means “to go a trading, travel for business, to traffick, to trade, of a thing to import for sale or to use a person or a thing for gain”.  Think of child trafficking and why this happens.  It’s to make them prostitutes.  What is Jezebel known as, but the mother of harlots.  This is what the false doctrine of Jezebel does… it makes them harlots.  We will go now and read about the doctrine of Jezebel in Revelation 17.



And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.


The mother of harlots wears purple, remembering that the church of Thyatira is a reference to Lydia who was a seller of purple in Acts 16.  Here Jezebel is wearing purple, but purple is also a color linked to priesthood.  Purple is tribulation, but it is also priesthood.  She is called a false prophetess, a representation of the false prophet.  She is riding on the beast, and the beast is not just the antichrist, but it is also a system that is governmental, religious, and financial… the “One World Order”.  When you worship the beast, you worship the system as you are bowing down in submission to the system.  That’s the doctrine of Jezebel.  The doctrine finds its manifestation through the turning around, as the aeroplane from Chantel’s dream was turned around, and the twisting of scripture such as we have now where the rise of the divine feminine is taking place, which is the Jezebel spirit.  We have the rise of the feminist movement, we have the LGBTQ and transgender movement where men are desiring to be women, we have satanists wanting to be recognized as a religion, and we have rights for abortion continuing to be demanded.  All of these are indicative of the rise of the divine feminine where rights are being fought for.  God’s order is man, woman, and children, but she is rising up above the man, although it’s under the guise of seeking equality, bringing us to the woman, the man, and the children (and in too many households, there is no man at all).  The rise of this rebellious, religious spirit is in opposition to the Father, just as we have the worship of the mother god that is in opposition to the Father God.  Jezebel comes in different forms, and this is why the Lord has determined that with the rise of the queen of heaven -- the mother of harlots, we have the rise of the Queen of the South, the mother of virgins, in Luke 11.  These opposing spirits – one humble and one prideful – will come against each other like ravenous wolves, and God will answer with fire.  The humble ones will speak fire over these false prophets and false doctrines.  This is a huge responsibility that feels unimaginable, but it will be accomplished with God’s power, because He is our friend.


The great harlot makes children of harlots, and harlotry has three things in common -- idolatry, fornication, and adultery (remembering Herod’s adulterous woman who was actually his brother’s wife).  Let’s read about the church in Pergamos in Revelation 2, focusing first on the doctrine of Baal.



13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.

16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.


The Antichrist is ruling here, and the people being addressed are holding fast the name of Yeshua and not submitting to the name of the beast.  There are also beheadings happening as Antipas was martyred.  Yeshua still has things against them, as we see both idolatry and fornication in verse 14.  In verse 15 He mentions those who are holding on to the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which He hates.  The church of Ephesus was fighting against those who were false apostles who were the Nicolaitanes, but here in Pergamon, they have accepted this.  We can see the spiritual decline of the church during this time.  The antichrist here points to Ahab who was also a very wicked king and ruler.  The doctrine of Balaam is the doctrine of Baal, and Baal is an ox, or a beast.    Baal means “lord” or “master” and is a spirit of rebellion.  In Revelation 13, the mark of the beast is detailed, and 13 means rebellion.  This is “do what thou wilt is the whole of the law” as spoken by Aleister Crowley, promoting anarchy, being your own god, and choosing what you want to do. (In my video I mentioned that he started the first satanic church, but that was actually Anton Le Vey.)


In 1 Kings 17, the prophets of Baal ate at the table of Jezebel, which is a reference to the people eating things sacrificed to idols.  In those times when you ate with someone, you were breaking bread in communion with them, which is basically in friendship with them.  When you were in friendship with someone in those times, it meant covenant.  When the prophets of Baal were sitting at Jezebel’s table, they were fornicating with her.  They were becoming one with her, because that is what covenant means.  Ultimately, they were breaking covenant with God.  Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9 that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and a member of Yeshua and that when one unites with a prostitute, they become one with her body.  This is a reference to what we are discussing… it’s the wrong doctrine.  Again, the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes is the doctrine of Baal, and “Nicolaitanes” means “destruction of people”.  This is how serious this is and how in the time to come, this will be a system.  The people and the church will want to give in to this system because of the pressure.  The apostles and prophets will be sent out to the churches to deal with these issues, and they have to do so as ravenous wolves but also in the spirit of humility, meekness, and love.


We will stay in Revelation 2 and read now about the church of Thyatira.



20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.

22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.


This is the same system here in Thyatira as in Pergamos, the doctrine of Baal and the doctrine of Jezebel.  The people are committing adultery with Jezebel.  Once again, harlotry is idolatry, fornication, and adultery.  Even literally, an idol can be anything that is a master over you and causes you to compromise, and obviously there is also literal fornication and literal adultery. But spiritual fornication and adultery is that of giving in to the system in the context of the time we are going into.  In Pergamos we have the antichrist, at satan’s seat, and in Thyatira we have Jezebel as the false prophet.  They are always hand in hand together.  This is just like the Benjamins always go with the Josephs – the innocent ones.


Jezebel seduces the servants in Thyatira.  Over and over in the Old Testament whenever God told the Israelites and the prophets to go destroy the altars of the enemy, they had to go to the mountains and the hills.  At these places would be Ashtoreth poles, which we know as obelisks or a male phallus, and the people would perform various types of idol worship there.  There was also fornication and promiscuity that would happen in these high places where they sought power.  God sent the Israelites there to cut them down (they were made of wood) and then burn them up.  Earlier I mentioned that John the Baptist or Elijah would with his teeth bring down the mountains and the hills.  Let’s read in Luke 3 where John the Baptist was talking to the Pharisees about this.



Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.


This is a reference to the idolatry, fornication, and adultery.  Remember earlier when we covered this, he first spoke to the lawyers, representing the law, and the Pharisees, representing the traditions of men.  These high places were also often in groves.  “Groves” is H842 in the Strong’s and is a wooded area with lots of trees, and it means “happiness, blessed, straight, prosper”.  This is the promise that will come to the people in the tribulation of great poverty and fear, that they will have it easy and be blessed and get out of everything… if they just bow down to the system.


The other names and examples that apply to Jezebel are Asherah, Astaroth, Astarte, Diana, Mother Goddess, Mother Mary, Virgin, Krishna, Kali, and these come from all religions.  So what is the “system”?  It is going to be a one-world religion, one world financial system, and a one-world government.  At this point, we need to understand how the enemy has perfectly planned all of this for one purpose, and that is full control over the whole world.  He has been cast out of heaven, with the only dominion he can have being upon this earth.  But… the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof and all they that dwell therein (Psalm 24:1).  And every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Yeshua is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11).  The enemy wants this control and worship and has planned everything for this one purpose.  He wants God’s children and to control them; he is trafficking them.


Let’s look now at why Jezebel is called Mystery Babylon.  All religions came out of that Babylonian period where they built the Tower of Babel.  In order to stop them, God confounded their language giving them many languages and dispersed them into different nationalities.  At the time when they were in union as one, the Lord said that they saw themselves as gods and nothing would be impossible for them.  This means that anything goes, and they will stop at nothing to accomplish their mission because they see themselves as gods.  They ascended instead of humbling themselves like 1 Peter 5 says, because they wanted to reach heaven.  This is exactly what is happening now.  At this time, we have a month called “Pride Month”, and we have a whole agenda of pride fighting for rights where people are ascending and rising up in rebellion. 


When Elijah confronted Ahab, he told him that he must bring all of Israel and all 450 prophets of Baal that were Ahab’s and all 400 prophets of Jezebel who were eating at her table to Mount Carmel.  I looked up each of these numbers of the prophets and found something interesting.  450 in the Strong’s is a Greek word that means “to rise up or come against”, and 400 is a Hebrew word that means “food or meal”, thinking of Jezebel and the prophets eating at her table; also food has to do with deception.  The Greek word for 400 means to “cry out to the cock crowing”, which is a reference to Peter denying Christ.  This is what will be happening… the church will deny Christ.  Interesting, both Ahab and Jezebel had the same fate.  When Ahab died, the dogs licked up his blood, and when Jezebel died, she was thrown out of a window and dogs devoured her. 


All of these people currently fighting for their rights – the LGBTQ, the feminists, people who want abortion legal, satanists who want to be recognized as a religion, and all this “woke” generation – is part of an agenda that will not end in itself.  Exposing the lie is not the end in itself.  It is a means to the end.  The question is, what is that end?  First we have the thesis and the antithesis.  We find that when the lie is exposed, every nationality and every gender comes together in union to come against the lie.  That in itself seems right, but what the enemy is doing through this is creating unity, all to come against lies.  The Christian is seen as going against the stream not agreeing with this, although they want to expose the lie.  What they should do is expose the lie by wanting to expose the lie, which is what I am doing at this moment.  The specific way they are exposing the lie is by breaking down the system and the authority in order to lay a foundation for new authority.  It’s breaking down the currencies, breaking down the walls of division between religions, and allowing wars and rumors of wars to make the way for the antichrist to come in.  The people will cry out for the one leader to take control.  The purpose behind the rebellion and the rising up is for the breaking down of the present system in order to bring in the new system.


We will go to 1 Timothy 1 now.



As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine,

Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:

From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling;


We have the words “fables”, “endless genealogies” and “jangling” that was going on.  The word “fable” refers to their endless questioning at that time about how the world began.  It refers to the gods of the ages or the beginning of ages.  This is from where Gnosticism was born, because at the heart of it is the question about what was first… thought or materialism?  This is what they wanted to know.  The truth is… neither.  God was first.  In the beginning was God.  They got involved with what was in the beginning first, as they were given over to fables of eons of ages.  The word “jangling” means “empty or vain talk”.  Think of the Tower of Babel, as they were babbling and bringing forth confusion.  This is what this Gnosticism that is being introduced into the church is doing with the acceptance of everyone’s rights and not discriminating against anyone for anything .  It sounds right in the name of tolerance and love, but actually it is creating a system of compromise where God is moved out of the equation.  This is what is being brought into the church.  When we consider that the Gnostics wanted to know if thought or materialism was first, “thought” speaks of intellect and knowledge.  Think of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, where once again we have a tree or a pillar.  In the garden, there were two pillars… the pillar of Truth and the pillar of lies; the pillar of Life and the pillar of the knowledge of good and evil. 


I believe that the rise of the rebellious female rival is to prepare or lay the foundation for a world where there will be no rights but will be governed by laws made by the One World Order.  Everyone is fighting for rights, until it implodes and there are no more rights.  Once there are no more rights, there will only be laws (remember Yeshua spoke to the lawyers and the Pharisees).  These laws will govern various groups… the haves and the have nots, and it will be to control, manipulate, and govern the society.  We won’t have a say in anything.  There will only be laws and no rights.  Everyone now is fighting for their rights, which will ultimately end with there being no more rights.


Now to Revelation 17.



And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.


The woman rides the beast, just as Jezebel controlled Ahab and Herod’s adulterous woman controlled him, even to the point of having John the Baptist’s head cut off.  The woman controls the beast system; she wants to be the head.  All religions will have come together in the name of love and tolerance and all currencies will be one.  Therefore, my question to Father was, “Where does AI come into all of this?”.  We know that artificial intelligence is the talk of the day, and somehow it has to fall into this whole system, so how will it work?  We know the mark of the beast is linked to AI, but that can’t be all.  This is what came to my mind about this.  When AI takes over, as they have now begun to do so, whether it is brain implants, access to be connected to the system, humanoids or clones, all will be on equal footing with no rights.  You will be able to have your robot housemaid or girlfriend, and it will have the same rights that you will have.  There will be no difference between that which is human and that which is artificial.  The clay and the iron will mix, but the Word says they will not cleave together.  However, they will be seen as on equal footing to the point where AI will completely take control.  In order for AI to take control, it must be placed on equal footing with man, and to do this there can be no rights… only laws.  They will make sure that when martial law breaks out, it will be controlled by artificial intelligence.  Can you think of the responsibility that the apostles and prophets will have to protect the flock in the time to come?  John the Beloved, the Benjamin, was told by Yeshua in Revelation 1 to send letters to all the churches.  Just the same will all the Johns and the Benjamins be sent to all the churches to address these very issues that are discussed in this teaching.  The issue will not be just addressing false doctrine but also protecting the flock against the system.


Covenant has with it, blessings and curses.  In the end, the church will become covenant breakers.  The whole purpose with the blessings of the covenant was to inherit and possess the land.  The land includes families and children, and the apostles and prophets are protecting the children… the inheritance of God.  When the servants were seduced by Jezebel in believing her doctrine, and when the church falls for the system, they are breaking covenant with God.  Not only that, they are stealing His inheritance -- His children – they are trafficking them and making them harlots.  According to Romans 8, we are co-heirs with Christ, so we as the foster mothers and fathers -- the pillars, are responsible to make pillars of our sons and daughters.  Therefore, this disposition of innocence and guilelessness is so important to protect us against the spirit of pride.  But we must also have the disposition of a ravenous wolf as one who has gone through the fire and therefore judgment as fire can come out.  This is what God is working in us.


I would like to close with a prayer.


Father I thank you for this teaching.  I know it was long, and as taxing as it was to speak it, how much more to live it?  I just bring everyone to you Lord, including myself.  As Paul would say, “Who is sufficient for these things?”.  This is too big for us Father, but you are our friend who sticks closer than a brother.  You will never forsake us.  You are with us Father.  You have chosen us for this time to go forth and do valiantly for you my God.  Not in our own strength, but as children utterly dependent upon you.  Years ago you said to me, “Your strength is only as great as your dependance upon Me”.  Father we cast ourselves upon you.  Work this disposition in us.  Thank you for giving us understanding.  Come and have your way in those ones you have chosen.  Baptize us with fire… baptize us with fire my God. 


I pray this in the name of Yeshua.  Amen.

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