Please note that I only endorse the books I have read. All these books have had a tremendous affect on my life. Jesus Christ is called THE WORD. It will do us well to remind ourselves that He has raised up scribes and poets from different eras that carried the anointing of a skilled writer, that very anointing that is eternal, to bring forth fruit for many years. Even in generations to follow. His Word never returns void.
I highly recommend you ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to which book of this list of books He would want you to read.These books are available on and some even for free in pdf format on google. May you find the treaures hidden within these timeless books inspired by the Spirit of God.
Books by Author:
Arthur Katz (Art Katz Sermons and Articles - link)
The Spirit of Truth - The Spirit of Truth - pdf link
Reality -
Apostolic Foundations - Apostolic Foundations - pdf link
The Anatomy of Deception The Anatomy of Deception - link
Israel and God's End Time Purpose
Watchman Nee ( All of Watchman Nee's books online link
Love not the World - Love Not the World - link
The Character of God's Workman - The Character of God's Workman - link
The Normal Christian Life - The Normal Christian Life - link
The Latent Power of the Soul -
Breaking the outerman and the release of the spiritman - Breaking the outerman and releasing the spiritman link
Sit, Walk, Stand
The Spiritual Man (3 Volumes)
Madam Jeanne Guyon
Spiritual Torrents - Spiritual Torrents - link
Short and Easy Method of Prayer - Short and Easy Method of Prayer - link
Experiencing the depths of Jesus Christ
Letters from Madam Jeanne Guyon - Letters of Madam Jeanne Guyon - linl
The Way to God and the state of Union with God - The Way to God and the state of Union with God - link
Andrew Murray - All of Adrew Murray's books - link
Absolute Surrender
The Two Covenants - The Two Covenants - link
Humility - Humility - link
Abiding in the Vine
Holiest of All
Waiting on God
Holy in Christ
A. W. Tozer
The Pursuit of God
The Purpose of Man
The Crucified Life - The Crucified Life (only 22 pages) linl
The Knowledge of the Holy - The Konwledge of the Holy link
The Saint Must Walk Alone - article - The Saint Must Walk Alone Article - link
P. T. Forsyth - All of P. T. Forsyth's books
The Soul of Prayer - The Soul of Prayer - link
The Cruciality of the Cross - The Cruciality of the Cross
The Work of Christ - The Work of Christ - link
The Church and Sacraments - The Church and Sacraments - link
Bascilea Schlink
Behold His Love -
A Royal Priesthood
My All for Him
Eberhard Arnold
God's Revolution - God's Revolution link
Innerland - Innerland link
Salt and Light - Salt and Light - link
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Rhetorical Discourse Ethic by Ned O'Gorman - Rhetorical Discourse Ethic - link
Letters and Papers from Prison - Letters and Papers from Prison - link
The Cost of Discipleship - The Cost of Discipleship - link
Amy Carmichael
Lotus Buds - Lotus Buds - link
Things As They Are - Things As They Are - link
Rees Howells Intercessor by Norman P Grubb - Rees Howells Intercessor - link
Father Nash - Article - Father Nash - link
Father Nash, Praying Hyde and Rees Howell article - Article about Father Nash, Praying Hyde and Rees Howell
E. M Bounds
Power through Prayer - Power through Prayer - link
The Essentials of Prayer - The Essentials of Prayer - link
Reality of Prayer - Reality of Prayer - link
Weapon of Prayer - Weapon of Prayer - link
Prayer and Praying Men - Prayer and Praying Men - link
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers - My Utmost for His Highest - link
Daily Strength for Daily Needs by Mary W Tileston - Daily Strength for Daily Needs - link
Brother Lawrence - Practising the Presence of God - Practising the Presence of God - link
Oswald Chambers - My Utmost for His Highest - My Utmost for His Highest link
Thomas A' Kempis - The Imitation of Christ - The Imitation of Christ - link
Ian Abrahams - Looking Unto Jesus or the Soul's eyeing of Jesus - Looking Unto Jesus - link
The Anti-Christ in Man by Joseph Salmon - The Anti-Christ in Man - link
Paradise Lost by John Milton - Paradise Lost - link
William Gurnell - The Complete Armor of God - The Christian in Complete Armor of God - link
Commenting and Commentaries on the Bible by Charles Spurgeon - Charles Spurgeon Commentary on the Bible - link
Commentary on the book of Hebrews by James A Fowler - Commentary on the Book of Hebrews
The Biblewheel - The Biblewheel - link
End Times Understanding:
The End Times Revealed like never before - Alain Dubreuil (Ministry Revealed)
Link to End Times Revealed like never before
Dr. T. Pierson - Autobiography of George Muller of Bristol
Brother Yun - The Heavenly Man
Authobiography of Madam Jeanne Guyon - Autobiography of Madame Jeanne Guyon -- link
The Authoritive Life of General Booth by George Scott Railton - The Authoritive Life of General Booth - link
Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand - Tortured for Christ - link
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