Saturday, March 26, 2022



PSALM 71:21

Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.   

This verse immediately made me think of Psalm 23 that says, “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.  Thou rod and staff, they comfort me.

We need to understand that when we speak of the Holy Spirit, He has given Himself to us, which includes the Son and the Spirit. We have received all of God, and He does this through the Holy Spirit.  In the same way that the Son was here and could say to His disciples, He could say, “If you see Me, you see the Father.  Every work that I do, is not me doing it, but the Father doing the work through Me.”  There is a distinction between them, but they are one.  When I say the Holy Spirit is our Comforter, by extension, it also means that the Father and the Son is our Comforter.

The words that caught my attention in this verse is that David said that the Lord God will increase his greatness.  This greatness in the Strong’s Concordance speaks of nobility and excellence.  Daniel was known for an excellent spirit and because of this Daniel’s greatness was increased.  His sphere of influence was increased and he was given greater authority. He will do the same with us.

The word greatness in the New Testament refers to children and servants.  When you serve and how you serve is a form of rulership, of reigning.  His children will be known by how they serve. 

The Lord God has been speaking to us about the disposition that is needed when we walk in the Spirit, which is to become as a child.  The disposition of a child is very important. What do we know about children?  Well, children trust so unconditionally and so easily.  You can say something is blue when it is pink and they will believe you. They trust with their whole heart and also love unconditionally. They love so extravagantly.  Depending on their personality some children will hug a complete stranger.  They just love. They love to love and love to be loved. That is how children are.  Immensely trusting and loving.  Then again, we have the servants.  The servants lay their lives down for their Lord.  They love their master and therefore they lay down their life. By extension they too are like children, because of their love. The trust that they have for their Lord.   It speaks of an obedience that is unreserved, without boundaries and in totality lay their lives down.  “These are those that I consider great in My Kingdom.”  He did not mean that when a little girl goes to heaven, that she will be more important that Moses or Paul.  The Word of God works in such a way that there are always levels of degree.  It is not just everybody in one basket and then off we go.  For instance, a soldier that has just enlisted in the military, will not have the same authority that a General, Brigadier or Major will have. He will have to work his way up. Authority has been given him.  We need to grow in the area that Father shows us and as we grow, more authority will be given us, because we can be trusted.  Let us read these two scriptures.

MATTHEW 23: 11

11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.


1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,

And said, verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Children trusts unconditionally and they also love unconditionally.  Servants obey unconditionally and without reservation.  When we look at Yeshua when He was baptized, we hear the Father speaking over His Son after the Holy Spirit descended on Him like a dove, saying “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.  Hear ye Him.”  This declaration was an affirmation of the sonship and the love that the Father had to the Son and the Son to the Father.  It was not because He needed to be baptized.  Rather, John told Yeshua that it was him that needed to be baptized by Him.  Yeshua told him that it was necessary in order for scripture to be fulfilled.  It was an act of obedience to humble Himself, to be baptized.  Also, that we may have an example to follow.  At that moment of obedience, the Father affirmed Him.  With that affirmation came also an instruction.  In other words, “When He speaks it is by My authority.  I have given Him My authority, because He lives in obedience and love towards Me.” 

This is how authority works.  We want to do great things for the Lord God, but we need to understand that all authority, as well as all power, needs to be upheld with a character that can sustain it. The Lord God needs to be able to trust us with that which He will give us.  You do not give a pocket knife to a baby, neither a sword to a little boy.  You give that which is appropriate and that which you can trust somebody with.  Why would the Lord God deal differently with us?  We have received all power and authority according to the Word of God, but the degree that we use it will depend on our walk and where we are at.  We read in Acts…

ACTS 5:32

And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

The Holy Spirit is given to those who obey Him. 

Today, authority has been given a bad name.  It has been looked down upon, not respected at all.  By extension, because of that, submission has also been given a bad name. We realize that the enemy has been working very hard at this very thing, to break down all authority figures.  Not just in society, but within the household.  We ourselves can testify of what the enemy have done in our lives.  Different people have experienced abuse, sexual, emotional or spiritual abuse.  Experienced abuse at school, abuse between peers, abuse on social media. People fall apart and are easily affected by these things.  They are unable to deal with rejection.  The worst kind of rejection that we can get is that of a father.  We feel completely as if we are a disappointment. There are a lot of people that are unable to deal with the discipline of God.  They cannot deal with it when He tells them that He is not happy about something.  When, by the Spirit, He points His finger to something saying, “You need to deal with this”.  When that happens, a lot of people crumble.  They feel as if they have moved 4 steps back. They feel as if they will never be able to please Him.  They feel that no matter how hard they try, it is just useless, because they keep on falling.  The reality is that the word of God says that without faith it is impossible to please God.  It really is.  We are called to walk by faith.  At the same time, we have to understand that the Lord God, in making that commandment, He also takes into consideration that we cannot do anything without Him.  He takes into consideration the true state of man’s heart and who we are without Him.  And so, why would He require this of us?  He requires this of us, to walk by faith, because we cannot do it.  The Holy Spirit is the one who is supposed to do it through us and we are to learn how to allow the Spirit to do whatever needs to be done through us.  When we fail, when we do not get it right, we are so disappointed in ourselves.  Sometimes we give up.  We feel, “Is this Christian thing worth it?”  We feel that no matter how hard we try, we are just never going to get it.  Well, He knows that.  In spite of that, He gives us whatever we need in order to get up and learn from where we are at, what He has shown us, and then to move forward.  The Holy Spirit wants to teach us to walk by faith.  It is imperative for us to not fall apart when He disciplines us.  It is so important that we see it as love.  In Hebrews 12 He says that the discipline He gives might not be pleasurable, it might be painful, but afterwards it yields fruit of peace.   It will produce fruit.  He disciplines those He loves.  If He did not discipline us, we would be illegitimate children, bastards.  What we have learned through the ages is that there are fathers that are very strict.  Where the boundaries set are like a noose around the neck.  The children are not allowed to do many things because of this abuse. The children are screamed at or hit. The children are scared to do anything.  On the other hand, we get the children that grow up in households where the father does not take up their role. It goes to the other extreme again where there are not the necessary boundaries.  Boundaries that actually fosters security.  Children that have healthy boundaries at home grow up with a healthy sense of security and a sense of who they are as a person.  They are not easily fazed by rejection, because they are so secure in the love of their father and their mother.  Studies have shown that the identity of children are mostly linked to the father.  In other words, you can have a mother who does everything right, being a good example, being a godly woman and teaching the children to respect them as parents, sowing an immense number of seed that will come up, but even if she does everything right and the father takes not up his rightful place, then the children will still suffer in their identity.  The Lord God has made it in such a way that the father is suppose to represent Him and the mother is supposed to represent the softness.  In context we can see the mother is the staff and the father is the rod.  As children, whom He wants to increase our greatness, we have the Father and we have the Spirit.  We have a father and a mother in God.  He comforts us on every side. However, if those images are marred, we are bound to not to be able to relate to them the way we ought to.  And so, the enemy knows exactly how to hurt us. Our inner-dialogue starts to develop in our mind.  The Word says that as a man thinketh, so he is.  What do you think about your relationship with God?  What do you think He thinks about you?  Is He disappointed in you?  Do you think that He has tried so many times and that He is now at the point where He is hoping you will some day get it?  Or, do you understand that He is so committed to you, that He invested so much in your relationship with Him?  The investment of His Son dying on the cross for you?  He will never give up on you.  Never.  You will have to turn away from Him, but He is not going to turn away from His own children.  He loves you.  And so, He will discipline you, because He loves you. The Word also says that parents that discipline their children, loves them.  When we grow up in households like this, nobody immune to this, we develop trust issues.  Where the Lord God wants us to be like that little child who trust so unconditionally, without restriction, we come and we are only able to give Him so much.  He requires all of you.  Your whole heart, mind and all your strength.  All of your being He wants.  He wants you to trust Him with your whole being.  Some of us are unable to do that.  We want to, but we struggle. 

The last devotional we spoke about the living soul.  This living soul that is who we are, our personality, mind, intellect, thoughts, even our talents…all of you, is supposed to come under the control of the Holy Spirit. This is so that the Holy Spirit can use all of you, all these things as a means to express who the Father is.  This is our purpose, just as it was Yeshua’s purpose to be the express image of the glory of God. So, we are now to express who Yeshua and the Father is to the world.  But we cannot do that if we cannot trust Him completely with everything.  The Comforter gently walks with us and continually points to those things we need to address. We need to address these issues we do not trust Him with.  We need to ask Him, “Why do I not want to give that over to You? Why am I still struggling with this?  What would it mean if I had to give it up? What do I feel I would lose out or would be a loss?  What am I scared of if I had to give up everything in the way He asks?” 

He wants us to be as little children. A little girl and boy that is so secure in His love. So, that when He does discipline us, we feel loved.  Yes, disappointed in ourselves, but loved and secure, knowing who we are.  If we trust Him only 10% or 30%, or whatever amount, the additional percentage is then that we trust in something else.  We have to be able to be very honest with ourselves and ask what area am I not giving Him all?  How does He look upon it?  You, as a parent, knowing how much you want your own children to trust you, it will break your heart to know that your children only trust you 10% or 30%. You want them to trust you completely and you want them to know how much you love them.  Our Father is exactly the same.  He wants us to trust Him completely.  Not to trust in anything else.  Not even on our own thoughts or understanding. Not our emotions when it runs away with us.  What man says or what a book says. He wants us to come to Him and be wholly dependent on Him. 

In John 15 Yeshua says that He is the Vine and we are the branches and we are to abide in Him. The only way we can bear fruit or do the will of God, is to abide in Him.  It means to be vitally united to Him.  Cut off from everything else we depend upon and completely united to Him.  So that the life that comes through us, is the Life of the Spirit.  Rooted in the Tree of life, bearing eternal fruit, fruit in abundance.  He wants us to abide in Him, which means we are going to have to trust Him.  Willing to do what He says, to give what He tells us to give. Not as slaves, not as people who do not have a choice.  People who will be punished if we disobey, or will not be taken with.  Or scared that through our disobedience the enemy will attack us.  In love.  “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Hear ye Him.”  This is what He wants to say over all of us.  Please read the following scripture and ask yourself whether this is your experience. 


13 By this we know [with confident assurance] that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given to us his [holy] spirit.

17 In this [union and fellowship with him], love is completed and perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment [with assurance and boldness to face him]; because as he is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of god’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of god’s love]. 19 We love, because [b]he first loved us.

I needed to lay a bit of foundation with this, because it forms the foundation upon which discipline is built upon.  Discipline is built upon love.  Our obedience to the discipline of the Father is built on love.  Yeshua said, “If you love Me, you will do My commandments.”  When we live in deliberate disobedience it says something of our love towards the Father.  Father knows our heart, but do we know that?  He takes all things into consideration. 

ROD – H7626 - branch off; a stick for punishing, writing, fighting, ruling, walking, etc correction, dart, rod, sceptre, staff, tribe.

Here you clearly see the difference between the rod and the staff.  The staff was to console, to lean upon, support, and provision.  Just like Jacob, whose hip socket was touched and therefore had to walk with a limp, probably had a staff.  We have to embrace our weakness in order to lean with our whole being, our soul, upon the staff, the Holy Spirit.  This cannot just be something we say, no matter how much we confess it, it has to be a reality.  Once you embrace your weakness, it is then that you fully lean upon the staff. 

The rod speaks of discipline, authority, power and teaching and writing.  To point and the dart makes me think of when the Holy Spirit convicts us, that it is as a dart into our conscience.  The scepter speaks of kingship and rulership.  All in all, the rod speaks of the authority of God.  Before speaking further about the rod, I want to share a vision that I had.

I saw this little girl with a snow-white dress on.  She had a bright red sash around her waist and red “Sunday shoes” on.  She was holding an open scroll and was looking very intently on this scroll.  The next moment I saw a wolf above her.  This wolf was beautiful.  It was a magnificent creature. Regal and majestic, with dark brown, even bronze hair.  I instinctively knew that this wolf was protecting this little girl. 

I knew what Father was talking to me about the little girl.  Everything about the purity, innocence, lips without guile, trust and love.  But I was not sure what He meant by the wolf as everything in the Word regarding a wolf is in a negative way.  I did however know that the wolf was not something bad.  About two weeks after that, my daughter and I decided to watch something on Netflix.  About the third thumbnail, my eyes caught this video about a girl named Vicky and her wolf, called Mystery.  We watched the movie together.  It is about a girl and her father who went for a hike and was lost.  They stumbled upon a house where an old man lives, who had a puppy.  She loved the puppy and asked the man where the puppy came from.  His answer was that it is a mystery. To which they decided to call this “puppy” Mystery.  Eventually they realized that the puppy was actually a wolf.  So, this story is about her very close relationship with the wolf.  Father then showed me that the focus is the wolf’s name.  Mystery is a word that we often here in the Word of God.  Paul often spoke about the mysteries of the Kingdom of God and Yeshua in John 12 told the disciples that unto them is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.  Father wants to reveal to us great mysteries of His Kingdom and this was why He worked in my heart about the importance of becoming like a child.  To be innocent, guileless, to guard my lips, trusting and loving.  He wants to give us so much more and He wants to trust us with greater mysteries, authority and power.  But first we have to trust Him. 

The thing about a wolf is that the Alpha wolf will lay down his life for the pack, they are very loyal, and have a lifelong mate. They are very ferocious animals. They resemble strength and power.  Father then led me to do some research on the relationship between the native American’s and the wolf.  This is what I found on this particular sight.  Knowing that they consider the wolf as their spirit guide, we know that we have the best spirit guide…the Holy Spirit. 


·       Wolves were referred to as brother or sister (family members).  Yeshua told me that He is my Big Brother

·       The wolves were seen as pathfinders and teachers, a guide to the spirit world and to this world

·       Their presence in the woods were considered sacred and tangible.

·       They are a gift

·       It is associated with courage, strength, loyalty and success in hunting

·       They play in certain tribes the role of the Noble Creator God.

·       A true best friend

·       A guardian

·       Associated with the colour white

·       They have healing powers.

·       Also, the Indian wolf, a smaller wolf than the grey wolf, has a black V on his back.

From these few points, one can clearly see how Father was talking to me about the contrast between this little girl and the wolf.  The one needs the other in a certain way.  There needs to be trust, love and there needs to be obedience.  There needs to be an understanding of what it means to walk under the rod of God, as well as the staff.  We need these two to comfort us on every side.  These are also the two that He gives us to increase our greatness.  How we relate to the staff and the rod will determine how we increase in greatness.

Another story where we read about the rod is in Exodus 17 where Moses told Joshua to go into the valley with men he chose for a battle against Amalek.  Moses then went up a hill where he was to stand holding up his rod whilst this battle was taking place in the valley.  Aaron and Hur went up with him.  Every time Moses let down the rod, the battle was in the favour of the Amalekites.  And every time he lifted the rod, the battle was in the favour of Israel.  Aaron and Hur brought a rock or stone to Moses that he may rest on this rock.



10. So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill.

11. And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.

12.  But Moses’ hands were heavey; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.

13. And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.

14. And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under the heaven.

15. And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi:

16. For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.

This whole battle is a type and shadow of our own lives.  We all have battles. Just like Psalm 23 that speaks of this valley of the shadow of death. In our valleys we are not the ones who are fighting in the valleys, but there is One in the valley with us, fighting for us, Yeshua.  Moses on top of the hill represents many things.  He represents an Apostle and a Prophet.  Moses was the first apostle sent to rescue the Israelites from Egypt, to tell Pharoah to “let His people go!”. The first sent one.  Moses is holding up the rod of God that represents the authority and power of God.  He is sitting on a rock or a stone. In his own strength he cannot do it.  The Lord God increases his greatness with Aaron and Hur.  Aaron was the first High Priest and he speaks of sanctification.  Speaking of that person who has allowed the Spirit of God to sanctify every area of his life.   In order to uphold the authority that God has given him, we need a strong character to be that foundation.  If Aaron was weak, he would not have been able to uphold his side of the rod.   Then we have Hur and his name means white linen.  This speaks of righteousness, which is right standing with God.  We receive this when we are born again.  This immediately made me think of being a child in the Lord God, that innocence and trust.  The one who lives under the love and provision and care of the Holy Spirit and in the other you are living under the discipline, the teaching, and direction of the Holy Spirit.  They are both holding Moses’ arms in order for the authority and power of God to be held up high.  What happens?  Joshua, the one who fights our battles is in the valley discomfits our enemy with his sword. Because we uphold all three of these things, the rod, which is the authority and power of God, the sanctification, being a royal priesthood in reality and then the right standing of a child in God, the battles are won.  This battle was a natural manifestation of a spiritual reality.  We also know that Peter’s name means little stone and Yeshua is the Rock of our salvation. When we think of Peter we also think of the church.   In John 6 Yeshua asked Peter, “Who do you say I am?” The Spirit revealed to Peter the truth and he said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Yeshua said to him on this rock, the church will be built.” Meaning on this truth that I am the Son of the Living God and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.  We have the church represented by Peter and Yeshua who is the Rock, the truth that He is the Son of the Living God.  In Exodus 17 Moses sat on the rock or the stone.  We understand that all authority and all power are given unto us.  The authority and power of God rests on the church.  It is up to us to steward, reign, govern and deal with that authority according to His will.  We need a child disposition and sanctification in order for our battles to be won.  This is how the Father prepares us and how He gets us to share in who He is.  He is also like a child who loves unconditionally and extravagantly.  He loves sinners.  Whilst we were sinners, He died for us.

This word “Nissi” in Jehovahnissi, is the word banner, ensign, signal, pole standard.  This made me think of when we watch movies of mid-evil times when the calvary in front would have a flagstaff with the emblem of the Kingdom under which they fall.  It was to say under whose authority they were making war.  In the spirit world we are holding up His banner.  The word says that His banner over us is love.  There is no stronger force than love.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.  His banner over us is love.  And this is the banner we are holding up.  In this love is also His power and authority. 

Thinking about the rod, my mind went also to the 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet that also is the longest letter that looks like a rod.  It is the letter called Lamed.  The number 12 is very important when it comes to authority.  We have the following examples of 12 in the Word of God…

·       12 Apostles, disciples

·       144 divided into 12 tribes /

·       New Jerusalem – 12 gates (gates places of decision making and judgment)

·       Solomon 12 officers over Israel

·       12 stones on breastplate

·       Yeshua started teaching at 12 years of age in the temple

The gates in those times were the places of authority where the judges had to make important decisions.  Boaz had to go to the elders at the gates to ask permission to marry Ruth.  Everything in the word that is about 12 in the Word of God, speaks about authority. Speaks of exhortation.  In all this we see the wisdom of Father in getting us to trust Him.  That our obedience and our disposition towards the discipline of the rod cannot be without us trusting Him in the disposition of a child.  People are often motivated by guilt or fear, but we can only uphold that kind of obedience for that long before we fall flat on our face.  When we give ourselves in totality to Him, when we allow Him to use our bodies the way He wants and give every area of our life to Him, it is then that He can trust us with more. But we have to take the first step and make the choice to meet Him with that which He is busy with in us.  To not move away from those areas that need to be addressed.  Some people listening or reading this devotional might still have areas in your life that you have not dealt with.  Maybe you have forgiven people, but not dealt with the hurt or the pain.  Very much like someone who needs heart surgery and just place a plaster on his heart.  Sometimes we treat forgiveness like a plaster.  In certain situations, we can just forgive and move on, but in other situations we need to allow the Holy Spirit to come into our lives, minister to us in His Presence and heal our hearts.  Some people have buckets still to cry.  They have hardened their hearts, because they do not want to go there.  It is just easier to move on and do their own thing and “fake it till they make it.” All those feelings, trauma and pain goes deep down into the innermost being, but at some point, it cannot stay there anymore. You must allow the Holy Spirit to heal you so that you can trust Him with all your heart.  Allow Him to minister to you, allow Him to touch those areas that all these years been there.  Maybe you are thinking it has been so long already.  Maybe 20 years ago, or 10 or just one year ago.  He sees it all, no matter what we hide, He sees it all because He is in us. 

In Psalm 32 we read:

PSALM 32: 8 - 9

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye.

Be not as the horse or the mule that has no understanding, whose mouth has to be held with bit and bridle, lest they come nigh unto thee.

When I read this scripture, I think of the bit that is in the mouth of the horse.  The greatest area that we struggle with is with our mouth, either very opinionated, to quick to speak or saying things we should not be saying.  A few months ago, the Lord told me that when He has my mouth, He has me.  The word says that the tongue is able to control the whole body.  All of your life is controlled by your tongue.  He has to start with a bit in our mouth, because we do not have understanding.  We still have to learn and He is teaching and instructing us.  The word says that we have two ears and one mouth.  The bridle gives us direction, where we get this tug to go either left or right.   Disciplined by these bridles.  We do not like this and pull away like horses into the opposite direction.  We rebel and say, “No, I do not want to, that is too much! Why must I do all of this?  Why can I not just live my Christian life and enjoy it and have fun? Doing all these things that I want to, not hurting anyone.  This is too controlling, this pulling and tugging!”  But He says to us, “This is not how I want to teach and instruct you.”  This is why He says to us to not be like the horse or the mule who has no understanding.   Why?  Because He wants to be like a rider on a horse who do not need a bit and bridle, but are so united to Him that you are directed by His Spirit and His voice.  In tune with Him and obeys Him immediately, where your will has been broken, just like a horse has to be broken in.  In the same way we are like horses that rebel against the boundaries He has set.  We rebel against His totality.  “Why is He asking us so much?”  Like a child, the moment that he is born, is innate in him to rebel against control.  But the moment He has us and we are submissive, surrendering in this child love and trust in Him, the moment He speaks, we just flow like a river with His Spirit, wherever He goes, that He increases our greatness.  Because we trust Him and He loves us.  He wants to give us these mysteries and revelations. He wants to give us more.  Every good gift comes from the Father of light in whom there is no shadow of turning.  He wants us to be so united to Him that we will just listen to His instructions without having to be pulled and tugged. 

This rod and staff can be summed up in two words…TRUST AND OBEY.

Two dispositions, that of a child and that of a servant.  Both are required of us.


I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

When we hear the word “living sacrifice”, the word sacrifice stands out. This is because it will mean sacrifice.  When you give yourself as a living sacrifice, your whole being, body, soul and spirit, are placed on the altar and our High Priest Yeshua comes with the sword of God, His word, and He cuts between bone and marrow, He discerns between the intents and motives of the heart and He divides between soul and spirit.  The purpose is so that the Holy Spirit then has control over your mind, your decisions, your talents…everything.  It is for that reason that you are laying down your body.  You are saying, “Lord, all of me I surrender to you.  I am not going to trust in what I know anymore.  I am trusting in your Spirit to express yourself through me, your body.  My body belongs to you.”  This is something we grow in, but also a veil that needs to be lifted.  So that we understand that our Christian walk is based on faith in Christ in us.  It is not based on just the Word of God.  As if when we read something in the Word it is then true, but knowing it is true, the Spirit in whom I trust, works this out in me to make it true in reality.   The Word of God is truth, but it has to become a reality in our lives.  The only one who can make it a reality in our lives is the Spirit of God in us in whom we trust.  You can make a decision to speak to someone, to pray for them or write something, even your gifts and talents, when you clean your house, you trust in Him to do it through you.  Or are you praying, “Lord, please help me”?  “I hope I can get through this day.  I hope she gets it.” The word says that we have received according to the power within us all things that pertains to life and godliness.  We need to pray in such a way as if we have already received it, because we have the Spirit of God in us.  We have already all we need.  Instead of asking, “Lord, please give me strength and help me to do this or please give me wisdom” we need to ask aright.  Say, “Lord, you have given me all things already, it is in me.  I thank you now for this wisdom and strength.”  How we think is very important and how we pray too. Start praying as if you have already received and then trust that, because He has already given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. 

It is not what we can do, but what He does through us.  It is, “Lord, you do it through me.”

I am ending this devotional with a word Father gave me a while back.  It is a word about understanding the rod of God, understanding discipline, power and authority that He has given us through His Spirit and the disposition that is required. 


It is by this Spirit, My Spirit resting on you that you are to govern.  Not you from out of yourself, but My Spirit resting on you, and you submitting to the promptings of My Spirit.  I have given you the mind of My Spirit and My Spirit also knows My mind and He intercedes for you with groanings that cannot be uttered.  Therefore, you have to be led by My Spirit and submit yourself to His promptings.  Listen and obey. 

You can no longer do your own thing, just like a king or ruler cannot do their own thing.  You are responsible for others and to uphold a standard, the very one you proclaim.  This can only be done by My Spirit, so listen and obey.  Your governing is directly related to your submission to My Spirit, for it is My Spirit that governs through you. 

Therefore, be zealous to obey Him for He will guide you in all truth.  Have I not said that He will remind you of everything I said?  For it is My Spirit that will work out My purposes in you as you yield to Him.  Be zealous to obey for much depend on it.  I have told you that your strength is only as much as your dependence on Me.  Be zealous to depend on Me in all matters.  Walk circumspectly as one of whom much is required and I will make your ways prosperous. 

For you are in My service and there is no higher authority than I.  You walk before Me alone, to answer before Me alone concerning that which I have given you.  You will be held accountable for that which I have entrusted you, including My Spirit. 

Therefore, do not look lightly on the authority I have given you.  Do not look lightly on your purpose and calling.  But more than anything, do not look lightly on My Spirit.  My Spirit is your provision and your seal.  I have sealed you with My Spirit and you are Mine. 

Therefore, walk by the Spirit.

Monday, March 21, 2022



The first time we read about the Holy Spirit is in Genesis 1.


1.  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

and the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

and God said, let there be light: and there was light.

Whenever we hear the word water in the Word of God, the general connotation is a multitude of people or a sea of people. For instance, in the book of Revelation we read the Beast will come out of the sea.  It is not that the Beast or the Anti-Christ will come out of the literal sea, but he will come out of man.  He will be a man. The other thing of note is that we ourselves are made of water.  We are 70% water and we cannot live without water.  The interesting part is that the earth was void and dark and the Holy Spirit was on the face of the water.  Face here stands for surface.  When meditating on this scripture, my thoughts went to conception. The moment conception takes place in a mother’s womb, at that moment of conception, studies have shown that there is a light.  So, when I read, “and God said, “Let there be light and there was light”, my thoughts go to conception.  In other words, LIGHT equals LIFE.  The Holy Spirit is the life within us, the life that upholds all things created by the Spirit of God.  The Father spoke the Word, and Yeshua is the Word, and the Holy Spirit brought the life.

When you think of Adam and Eve, who were told not to partake of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they did not obey.  The Father told them that the moment they would partake of that tree that they would die and as we know they did not fall at that moment down to the ground and die, but it was a gradual death.  But we do know that a death did indeed take place in that moment, the glory of the Lord departed from them.  They went from eternal beings to beings that would die.  They no longer had that intimate, or inward connection of the Spirit of God dwelling in them, but they went from the spiritual to the natural and hid themselves.  Their eyes were open to see their true state.  Whilst they were sewing fig leaves, the Father was walking in the Garden calling out their names.  I believe that they could literally hear them speak to them, whereas, probably, before that the unity amongst them was as such that they did not have to literally hear Him speak.  So, they went from the spiritual to the natural.  They went from living by the spiritual to living by the natural, or the flesh.  



14 Wherefore he saith, awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

They went into a spiritual slumber, almost like the earth that was void and in darkness and then the Spirit hovered over the surface of the water and touched their hearts.  Like when we were unsaved.  Our own lives were like this earth and when the Spirit comes and hovers overs us, and touches our innermost being, the deep calling unto deep, that is when the Father comes and He speaks LIGHT.  And the incorruptible seed of the Word of God is sown in to our hearts by the Spirit and there is that spark of LIGHT, which is a spark of LIFE.  Literally what happens in the Spirit.  What happens in the natural in a mother’s womb is showing us what is happening in the spiritual.  Genesis 1 testifies of this as well.

The Old Testament is the previous dispensation where the Holy Spirit was on the face of the waters, but the New Testament it is a new dispensation.  In John 4 Yeshua met the woman at the well.   Everyday at noon she had to take her waterpot to the well.  At certain times the women took their waterpots to the well, which was separate from the town and they would fetch their water for the day.  This lady went at noon, which meant it was hot.  Every day she would go to the well with her waterpot to get water.  There she met Yeshua and He told her that if she knew who was standing in front of her, she would ask Him for water and that He would give her water.  She would never be thirsty, because this water will be living water and it will be as a well within her.  We see now that where the Holy Spirit was on the face of the waters in the Old Testament, now the Holy Spirit is the well within.  He is now the source within and she will never thirst again.  Yeshua tells her that the Father is seeking those true worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth.  The mere fact that He mentions true worshippers means that there can be false worshippers.  Now, the inclination is to think of song or to put on music to worship the Father.  But this is not what Yeshua meant.  He was talking about the Spirit within and that those who are true worshippers are those who worship in spirit and in truth.  The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Truth.  Yeshua was saying to her that the Father is seeking those who no longer live from the well of the Old Testament Law.  No longer live from having to try and get living water out of that well.  She could get water out of the well, but she was obviously tired.  Daily she had to come and get this water.  The next day, the water was done with and she had to go the same path up to the well with her waterpot, do the same thing and get the water out.  He was talking about the water from within, which we are now to live from.  In the New Testament the water is now within us.  Now we no longer live by the law, but we are under grace. 

PSALM 42:1 – 2; 7

1 As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.

My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?

Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

I am reminded of one verse that David also said, “Lord, all my springs are shut up in Thee.”  What is your source?  From which well are you living from?

In John 14 Yeshua tell His disciples that it is expedient that He should leave.  They were upset, because He just told them that He is going away.  I can imagine how that must have felt to them.  Growing so close to Him, the amazing miracles and then out of the blue He tells them that He is going to leave them.  They were sad.  He told them, “You are now sad, but afterwards you are going to rejoice.  You are going to do greater works than what I did.”  What is greater than raising the dead?  The answer is…MANY raising the dead.  The same Spirit that was in Yeshua is now in His Body.  In every single one of us.  Not divided into us, but the same measure that was in Him.  I have just the same amount of the Spirit of God in me as the Son of Man, and so do you.  We need to meditate on these statements and take them in.  We need to really think about it and when we do, we need to ask relevant questions about our own lives if it is then true.

The first time Yeshua introduces the Holy Spirit to the disciples, He introduces Him as the Comforter.  The word Comforter comes from G8735 in the Strong’s Concordance and it means – Intercessor, Consoler and Advocate.  I find that interesting that Father God thought, “My children need to know that I will comfort them.”  This says a lot about His heart.  In John 16 Yeshua talks about what the Holy Spirit will do.


13 Howbeit when he, the spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

15 All things that the father hath are mine: Therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

The Holy Spirit will always bring attention to the Father and to Yeshua.  Once we are born again, we are no longer under the dispensation of the law, but we are under the dispensation of grace.  When the disciples came to Yeshua and asked Him which of the laws are the most important to keep, He told them that there are now two new laws that are the fulfillment of all the laws.  He was saying to them that not one of these laws will fall away, but there is a new way of fulfilling it and that new way is through grace. Now grace in itself is not just the grace that God extends to us to be saved.  Grace is also the ability of God to give us the power, wisdom and strength and everything we need in a given moment to fulfill the law at all times.  Once again, from which well are you drinking? 

Yeshua tells them that these two new laws are, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength and the second is as the last, loving your neighbor as yourself.  This is the whole of the law.”  Now, our problem is that we struggle to fulfill that law.    Somehow, we can know the truth, but because of either cognitive dissonance or a veil that has to be lifted, we easily parrot a truth but not necessarily live in the reality of it.  Let’s read 1 Corinthians 15: 45.


45 And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

Immediately what we see here is the Old Testament and the New Testament.  Adam the Old Testament and Yeshua, the Last Adam, the New Testament.  Old Testament – living soul.  New Testament – quickening spirit.  We were made in God’s image, but we all came from the lineage of Adam.  We are living souls.  What constitute a living soul?

A living soul constitutes everything that you are.  Your personality, your talents, your quirks, your humor etc.  Your personality with regard to whether you are a very serious person, funny, gregarious, or deep, artistic, even your ethnicity.  None of these things are going to fade away.  That is who He made you…fearfully and wonderfully.  That is what He chose for you and He wants you to celebrate it.  You are going to celebrate it forever in the Kingdom of God.  That is who you are going to be.  What He is going to change is your body.  In the meanwhile, all these things, your emotions, your intellect, knowledge and personality, is what you have been living from.  When you were born, Psalm 51 says, “Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceived me.  Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part thou shalt cause me to know wisdom.”  David was saying that he was born in iniquity and in sin conceived.  From the get go we drink from the wrong well.  When we are born again, we live by the Spirit.  The problem is from the one to the other and consistency, and the completion.  We do not want to drink from two wells at the same time.  We only want to drink from one.  This is where the Holy Spirit comes in.  The Holy Spirit sanctifies us.  Yes, the blood of Yeshua sanctified us, we are justified, but sanctification is as much a position as a process. The process is getting all of the soul under the control of the Spirit, so that you no longer live from your soul.  Your emotions, from your understanding or intellect.  It does not mean you become a zombie and you cannot think for yourself.  It means that all these things are under the control of the Spirit.  There are many life coaches out there that teach you about the weaknesses and strengths of your personality.  That weakness is called sin.  Because there is either fear involved with it or pride.  Your personality has to be sanctified.  Your talent has to be sanctified.  Your humor has to be sanctified and your emotions.  No matter how valid they are.  Father made us able to be angry and sad.  Even fear is a natural response or emotion.  Without fear we will not have the response of fight or flight.  Not fear from the enemy, but fear that are realistic.  All of these things that pertain to your life has to be under the control of the Spirit.  Everything that your life touches have to be sanctified.  Your marriage, your work, your relationship with the Lord, your traditions…all these things that constitute your life have to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit.  This is so that you no longer live from that well, but you now live from that well that is within you.   The Spirit of God that has engraved the word of God upon your heart.  That takes time.  More than anything we are like that woman at the well and every day we come to the same well, and draw water from that well.  Once we realize what we are doing, we repent and feel bad.  Father has patience with us and comes along side us and teaches us to surrender. He shows us.  We must be willing that He shows us when we do drink from the wrong well and the difference when we drink from Him and He works through us.  The name of the game is SURRENDER.  The name of the game is TRUST.  We are in Yeshua, He is in us and we are seated in heavenly places with the Father.  I was thinking of the two trees in the Garden and it reminded me of Jeremiah 17 and Psalm 1.  We can see our own lives how we tend to live either from trusting in man, which includes ourself.  This is the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Or, whether we are trusting or eating from the Tree of LIFE.   The Tree of LIFE is rooted and grounded in God’s soil of love (Eph. 3), but it is also in the living water, the Spirit of God.  The source of the Tree of LIFE, because that which is LIFE, is in the sap of that tree versus trusting in the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, trusting in man or self, whose roots are in bitter water.  Water that are often our experiences, our sinful nature, our traditions, all those things that needs to be sanctified.  The Lord God wants to bring the axe to the root and no longer wants us to partake of that tree.  He wants us to be grafted in completely.  Like I said in my previous devotional teaching, “In order to be grafted in, you have to be cut off.”  Everything about you needs to be sanctified and given to Him.   


Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.

For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. (The earth was void)

Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.

For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

10 I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

Here the Lord God is talking about two trees and from which source they live from.  Then He mentions the heart.  Why does He mention the heart after the two trees?  He mentions the heart, because the word says, “Guard your heart with all diligence, because out of it flows the issues of life.”  Flows…like a heart pumping blood.  Life is in the blood.  From which LIFE are you living?  He is saying our heart is desperately wicked and it is deceitful above all things.  He is talking about man and the arm of the flesh and trusting in that when we can trust in Him.  He says that He tries our reins, which is our choices and tries the fruit of our doings.  The Spirit of God searches our hearts with the LIGHT of His Word.  From which source are you drinking? 

What does it mean to drink from the Spirit of God?  The word of God is also referred to as water.  Paul speaks of the husband that has to wash his wife with the water of the word.  Later he refers to the Church as well.  The Word of God is WATER, LIFE AND TRUTH.  (John 17).  Yeshua told the enemy, “Man shall not live from bread alone, but from every word that comes from the Father.”  Bread is manmade and the word from the Father is eternal.  Manna from heaven.  He wants us to live from the Spirit.  Formerly your mind made all the decisions.   This is why Romans 12 tells us that we must be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may know what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God.  Our mind has always made the decisions.  But what does the word say in 1 Corinthians 2?


16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.


Romans 8: 14

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

When you make decisions in your life, when you need to pray for someone, speak to someone, post or write something, when you need to help someone, do you stop and pray.  Do you wait and ask what the Father’s opinion is about that person?  When someone offends you and you want to give them a piece of your mind, would it not be better to give them a piece of His mind?  Does He not know all things?  We should stop.  The word says that we have one mouth and two ears.  We need to listen to the Father before we respond and to not be so quick to give an answer.  Just because you can, does not mean you have to.  We have to learn to wait on the Spirit.  We are called to walk by the Spirit.   In Isaiah 11: 2 we read about the Holy Spirit resting on Yeshua.


ISAIAH 11: 2

And the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the lord;

This is the spirit that rested upon Yeshua.  It is the same spirit that rests upon us.

This word, “spirit” in this scripture is written in lowercase.  In the same way when we meet someone and we like that person’s spirit.  The New Agers would call it their “aura”.  What exudes from that person.  What you sense of that person.  It is the essence of that person.  In the Strong’s Concordance it is H7307 - rûach or the breath of God.

From H7306; wind; by resemblance breath, that is, a sensible (or even violent) exhalation; figuratively life.

Natural air was breathed into Adam and he became a living soul, but when the Spirit of God comes, He brings LIFE into us, we become a quickening spirit.  If we had to take the word LIFE and instead of saying spirit, we say “life” in this scripture, which is the same thing, we can get a different view on it.  It helps us to understand what Father gave Yeshua to be the Patterned Son.  What He has given you and me. 

ISAIAH 11: 2

And the LIFE of the lord shall rest upon him, the LIFE of wisdom and understanding, the LIFE of counsel and might, the LIFE of knowledge and of the fear of the lord;

We understand that the spirit of God is the LIGHT AND LIFE of God.  That which is incorruptible.  There have been many debates about exactly what it means to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.  When Yeshua was told by the Pharisees that He was driving out the demons by the spirit of Beelzebub, He told them that many things will be forgiven them, but blaspheming against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.  Many see that them saying that He drove the demons out by the spirit of Beelzebub, that this was the actual blaspheming.  It makes sense.  I would also like to see it another way.  It was almost as if Yeshua was saying, “You can say what you want about My Father and about Me, but let us just make one thing clear.  I draw the line when it comes to My Spirit.”  Often people debate about what Yeshua’s name is or is not.  I think of when the Pharisees told Him that He was driving out the demons through the spirit of Beelzebub, that He did not fall apart and call lightning from the sky and burn them to ashes, but simply said that they are not to blaspheme against the Spirit.   Let’s leave it at that.  Satanic cults assure those who get involved, to blaspheme the Holy Spirit or deny the Holy Spirit and thereby ensure that they would be forever damned.  However, there are those who do not partake in this and are still saved. 

The question I want to ask is, “What kind of relationship do you think Yeshua had with the Holy Spirit?”  When we ask this question, we need to think of the purpose why He came.  He came to be the spotless Lamb, without blemish, without spot or wrinkle.  Not even in His thoughts.  Not even in one thought.  What kind of relationship did He have with the Holy Spirit?  The other purpose He came was to represent the Father.  He had to reveal the Father to us.  He had to be the Patterned Son.  He had to come and show us how to live the way God intended Adam to live.  This is why He came as the Last Adam.  He could have come just as Yeshua or our Saviour, but Father specifically chose Him to come as the Last Adam to show us what it is to live by the Spirit as He intended it for Adam and Eve.  What kind of relationship did He have with the Holy Spirit?  What kind of conversations did He have with Him in those quiet moments where we often read in the word that He went aside to speak to the Father?  What kind of intimacy was there?  How desperately did He cling to the Holy Spirit?  What kind of trust was there?  Or do you think that it was a breeze?  Do you think that He just sat there and got His infilling and off He went for the day?

He told His disciples in John 13, “I can do nothing without the Father.” Just like us.  Whatever I see the Father do, I do. Whatever I hear the Father speak, I speak.  And whatever works I do, the Father does through Me.”  He was filled with the Spirit and it was the Spirit that was doing it through Him.  We do not stand a chance if He had all His divine attributes.  He stripped Himself of all these divine attributes and became the Patterned Son and lived by the Spirit to show us how to live.  I think that we often think that we can never be like Yeshua.  That is not true.  Why would He be the Patterned Son if we cannot be like Him?  That brings us once again to the source, to which well we are drinking from. 

When it comes to our relationship with the Holy Spirit, we can look at the intimacy within a marriage.  When a couple first get married, it is all roses and hearts and they are infatuated with each other and cannot get enough of each other.  Then the honeymoon subsides and life has its way with us.  It is at that time that you get to know your spouse.  You get to know their personality.  The good and the bad.  You get to know their tone of voice.  They might say something often, but one day they say it in a different way and you pick up in your heart that there was more to the saying than what you heard.   You are able to finish each other’s sentences.  You know what the other person needs without them having to say, able in a situation where something good or bad has happened to them, to feel with them.  There is such a unity and a bond between the two of you.  You are so united and in tune with each other’s emotions, needs and wants, that you do not even have to speak one word with each other to know what they need and you feel what the other person feels.  It touches you deeply.  That is the type of relationship that we must have with the Holy Spirit. 

How do we treat the Holy Spirit?  An example I want to use here is from when my daughter had an argument with me the other day.  She was having a particular bad day and said some things that would be best left unsaid.  It was inevitable that I had to punish her or discipline her.  And it was not a small punishment.  However, my daughter has a very strong personality where she would often “cut off her nose, to spite her face”.  Usually this leaves her at a greater loss.  She just casually turned around and told me that it does not phase her in the least.  That is a “catch 22” situation.  I could make the punishment greater, but because of her disposition to not care, it would not solve the problem.  I looked to her and said, “I wonder what your Father would say about that?”  She turned around and did not like that idea at all.  “Please don’t tell …”  Of course, I still told her Father. 

The Holy Spirit started to talk to me about that.  We know that the Holy Spirit is often, concerning the Comforter, as a mother figure.  A dove, the softness of God and the love of God.  I see us often treating the Holy Spirit like we treat mothers in a way.  Not that fathers do not treat us this way, but a mother forgives and forgives.  She gives and is willing to do so much for her children and are willing to lay her life down for her children.  A mother is there in the middle of the night and always gives wisdom, holds, cries, teaches and is seen as the heart of the house.  And yet, so easily, when the Holy Spirit treats us this way, always there for us, always forgiving, and speak to us and say, “Don’t do that, don’t say that word, don’t watch that program.  Please don’t post that.”  How often do we ignore the Holy Spirit, that life within us?  How often do we make as if we have not heard it at all, or we think of some way we can compromise or get ourselves out of it?  How often do we just flat-out rebel?  We think we can have this disposition towards the Holy Spirit?  Almost as if we do not respect the person of the Holy Spirit, but only enjoy and value the function of the Holy Spirit and what we can get from the Holy Spirit.  I think that this is what He wants to speak to us about.  Our disposition towards the Holy Spirit.  Because the Holy Spirit is never spoken of in the Word as “it”, but always as “He”.  He has feelings. 

Yeshua came to this earth, God to dwell amongst us.  God literally coming down and dying for us in a cruel death.  Equally is the miracle that He lives in us.  God lives in us.  When we truly think about that and allow the Spirit to reveal that to us, we will be down on our faces.   He truly deserves more from us than what we are giving Him. 


17 But he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit.

I was saying my memory verses the other day.  At this point I want to encourage you to do the same.  The time we are going in will be a great famine of the Word of God and it is going to be a terrible time.  There will not be opportunities to share the Word of God the way we do now.  A time is going to come that, that word that you have stored up in your heart, will be a saving grace to get you through the most difficult time.  I asked the Holy Spirit which chapters He wanted me to memorise.  During the course of the week, in every day things that I do, I am always memorizing scripture, because I want it in my heart.  It will enrich you. 

I was memorizing Psalm 23 and I came to this part of the psalm.


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

When I came to the part of the rod and staff that comforts us, my mind went to the Comforter, the Holy Spirit.  I was wondering whether there is any significance between the rod and the staff.  They both comfort and both represent the Holy Spirit. 

1.    STAFF - support (abstractly), that is, (figuratively) sustenance or (concretely) a walking stick: - staff. – You rest or depend on a staff to help you, to support you. 

When I read this, I thought of the devotional that I did, called “A limp and a new Name or Understanding the ways of God”.  I discussed Jacob that was wrestling with the Angel of Lord and his hip socket that was touched and he walked away with a limp, but also with a new name, “Prince of God”.  That limp was forever with him, so that whenever they saw Jacob, they recognized him by his limp.  I think that he may have had a staff as well.  This is the disposition, the weakness that we need to embrace, unable to fulfil the law or to do the will of God, because in embracing that, we will lean on the STAFF of God.  Then we are called Prince of God, because the Spirit of God becomes our source.  This is the staff that comforts us, the one we lean upon.  I had a vision that I want to tell you about that holds hands with the disposition Father wants of us and forms part of our heart towards the Holy Spirit.


This vision was about a little girl.  I saw a scene playing out before me.  It was a poor situation, the idea of a poor neighbourhood, where you would find lots of flats.  You would walk down the corridors, as you pass the different doors, you will hear people fighting, glass breaking, the dog yelping, children crying and swearing.  The next moment I was inside one of the homes and saw this little girl, dirty and very sweet sitting on the dirty ground.  Her mother and father were fighting in front of her.  The father was very big.  He had a vest on, hairy, bald and sweaty.  Foul mouth and looked like a bully.  Very strong and big.  He picked up the girl and walked out the room with her and put her down on the way.  He then went into another room, and I knew that she knew that she was to follow him.  She had to obey him, because he is angry.  As he went in, I saw the little girl grab the door handle and quickly closed the door and locked it.  She turned around and rushed away.  As she was running down the steps, I saw under her arm, her teddy bear. 

I asked Father what He wanted to tell me through this vision.  He said to me.

“Even a little child can bind a strongman.” 

He told me that the Teddy Bear represents THE COMFORTER.  Even as little girls and boys, the first thing we receive when born, is a comforter.  It is the first thing we do.  Just like when we are born again, the Father gives us the COMFORTER.  Father was speaking to me through that little girl saying, “This is the disposition that I need My children to be in.  That they would be so dependent on My Holy Spirit, that they would know, it is not how strong they are.  Because I do not expect them to be strong within themselves.  They cannot.  They cannot do anything without Me.  I want them to depend on My Spirit.  Just like the little girl that clutches her teddy bear. You can take anything from her, but don’t you dare take her teddy bear.  


to sigh, that is, breathe strongly; by implication to be sorry, that is, to pity, console or (reflexively) rue; or to avenge (oneself): - comfort, ease.

This is what the Holy Spirit does.  I would like to give a small testimony here again of my daughter.  She came to me the other day telling me about her day.  My daughter has 5 disorders, so it has been a journey.  She was telling me about her day and she was crying.  She does this every day.  It is nothing new to me and I am deeply intimate with how my daughter feels.  She was telling me this and it was nothing new.  I knew that I just needed to let her tell her story and just be an ear to her and not try and fix it.  Whilst she was telling me how she felt, I started to cry.   I do not do that often when she tells me, because I want to be strong for her.  But I started to cry.  Not because I was helpless, but because I deeply felt her helplessness.  I felt her sorrow.  I felt her pain, I felt her struggle, I felt her aloneness in the struggle.   The tears started to run down my face and she looked at me and she became quiet.  And in that moment, I realized that just because I felt with her, it consoled her.  In that moment, I knew that it was not me that was feeling this with her, it was the Holy Spirit.  And it is the Holy Spirit that feels so intimately our burdens, our pain, our aloneness.  He knows all things and He lives in us.  I wanted to comfort you with the knowledge of the Comforter and how deeply He feels with us. 

PSALM 103: 13 - 14

13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.

14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.

He pities us.  Please listen to the Word He is giving us.


Word received on 17th February 2022



It is never what you can do.  And as long as you still think you must do it; you are not one with Me.  You are still unbelieving. 

But you have to exercise your faith.  You have to do as I tell you.  Listen and obey My every command and I will do the impossible.  Trust Me for the impossible.  Act out your faith continually. 

I am the LIFE in you that will do through you.  Not you through Me.  Just like I had to be obedient to My Father in what He showed Me or what I heard.  Your obedience is your dependence and your obedience is an act of faith that you trust Me for the results.

You can do nothing.  I could do nothing.  But I lived by My Father and you must live by Me.  Walk in the knowing that we are one.  In covenant where your inability is Mine and My ability is yours.  The covenant we have is a covenant of faith.  The covenant is only in affect by faith.  And faith is trusting Me and living by Me.  This is why you have to be as a child. 

Simple trust.

Simple dependence.

Just Me through you.

May you allow the Spirit to work this disposition in you.  That you would cherish the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work in you.  Trust Him and cherish Him.
