Monday, July 4, 2022



This is a very important devotional with regard to the time we are going in, the Apostolic Age.  It has a lot of connections that He showed me that He wishes to show the Bride, particularly the workers.  When we look at what is happening, via the media or just around us, in our own personal lives, Yeshua said that when we look at all these signs that His coming is near.  At this moment the signs are very much shouting.  We have famine knocking on our door.  It has been there a while in most countries, but more recently in the western countries it is starting to knock.  We have plagues, earthquakes and signs in the heavens, all these things that Yeshua told us about, telling us to look up at this time, because our redemption draweth nigh.  Many say that the tribulation has started, yet the Word of God tells us that it is going to be a time much worse than what it has ever been in history.  We are not there yet.  I am still sitting in a comfortable chair in my prayer room, there is still food in my fridge, everything is still comfortable, yet, I can see on the outside that things are happening.  Many of us are still not yet in tribulation.  We might have tribulation in our lives with what we are going through, but we are not in the tribulation.  And we will know that we know, that we know that we are in it.

I want to start with explaining that in this devotional I will be speaking about one particular army.  In October last year I received a dream of the army of the enemy and then on the 22nd January I received then a dream of the army of the Lord.  He gave me two dreams and I want to just briefly describe them to you.  This devotional is about the army of the Lord.  The next video that I will put on YouTube will be one of those warning videos where I put different visions and words together, because I believe Father wants us to understand that the army of the enemy is also rising at the same time as the army of the Lord.  I also want to mention that when someone gives a prophetic word or a warning from the Lord, people often think that it needs to happen in that moment or the next few days, and sometimes it does.  But very often things happen only years after that.  The point is that the responsibility lies with the watchman to sound the alarm.  That is what I will be doing, I will be sounding the alarm.  Please be on the lookout for that particular video.

In the first dream I was looking for my tablet.  I have a black tablet, but in the dream I was looking for my red tablet.  I eventually found it.  As I opened it, it became a porthole, because I immediately went into the video I was watching.  I was in a plain rural town, looking down the street.  I saw a horde of cattle.  They were aggressive, jumping on top of each other, hurting each other with their horns.  As they came closer I realized that these were not cattle, but demons.  They were giants.  They were grotesque and cruel and the evil atmosphere permeated the whole scene.  I could smell war.  Not that I know what war smells like, but I knew that is what it was.  There was an evil presence.  They were huge with big muscles and they had grotesque armor on, with horns and spikes.  It was dark iron and massive swords and battle axes.  It was quite a sight and I became afraid as I was watching this whole scene.  I closed the tablet and immediately I was out of the dream.  During this time that they were passing me, they were humming a song.  I did not know the song’s name, but the melody sounded familiar.  When I spoke to my friend about it, she said she knows exactly what song it is.  That is the Rolling Stone’s song called, “I want to paint it black”.  I remember that whilst they were humming this melody, even thought they were in chaos and hurting one another, there was a unison in their chaos, singing in a low baritone evil voice.  Obviously, I looked for the meaning of the song of the Rolling Stones.  The enemy is the rolling stones that rolled away from the Capstone, Yeshua, and we are the living stones, built up in Him and did not roll away.  That alone says a lot.  This particular song is about depression and wanting to paint everything black.  In the song it says that he sees a red door and he wants to paint it black.  Immediately it made me think of the Israelites that placed the blood of the Lamb on the doorposts, where the angel of death passed by.  The angel of death wanted to “paint it black”, but it could not, because the door was sealed with the Blood.  This is the one army.

On the 22nd January 2022 Father gave me another dream, but this time it was the dream of the Lord’s army. They were moving in the opposite direction.  As they passed me, I could see that they were wearing the Roman Centurion armor that Paul describes.  It is believed that Paul was in jail when he wrote that to the Ephesians, seeing the Centurions, describing the armor of God.  This army each had a lance and were walking two by two.  In unison they were walking, shiny and beautiful. The thing that stood out the most to me was their brotherly love.  Such a unison and love between them.  At one stage they parted and came back together again.  For me that was that nothing would be able to separate them from the love of God.  This brotherly love was what bound them together as they walked together two by two.  They too were singing a song.  The melody sounded familiar, but the words were different.  The words were, “The army of the Lord is marching two by two, and they’re marching all over the world”.  The melody was that of Noah’s ark about the animals walking two by two into the ark.  The two opposites of these two armies are what Father came to show me. 

The reason why I am mentioning this now is because at this moment the army is rising on both sides.  Now, we know that the age we are going into now is the Apostolic Age.  The Apostolic Age does not refer to the fact that only the apostles will rise, but it speaks of an apostolic spirit, the apostolic spirit of God that will rise and be in this army of the Lord.  Interestingly, in this week the Lord has been speaking to me a lot about Apollos.  I have received many confirmations about Apollos.  Apollo, as we know, is the Greek god of destruction, death, plagues and many other things.  What Father placed upon my heart is that this army of the enemy is that of destruction and death.  You can hear the similarity in the word Apollo and Apostolic.  The Apostolic Age is that of Apollos.   Apollos was very close to Paul.  He was an apostle.  He was known for a great understanding with regard to scripture and particularly for his zeal.  In 1 Corinthians 3 the Corinthians were disputing with regard to whom they belong to, to Paul or Apollos.  Paul had to tell them that the one plants, the other waters and the other reaps, it is the Lord that brings the increase and everybody’s works will be tested with fire.  Apollos was very much treasured by Paul.  Paul wanted to look after him and be with him.  The Apostolic age has with it the zeal of Apollos. 

We know that the time we are going in will start with a great revival.  Why am I saying that?  What makes me so sure to say that?  The Word of God says that that which was shall be again.  It will all be again.  When we look at the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, the apostles and all those gathering together, were all filled with the Spirit of God and there was a massive revival of 3000 to 5000 people at a time.  People were saved. The Word says that these are they who turned the world upside down.  That is exactly what will happen.  The world is going to be turned upside down.  But, you will notice when you read the Word that that was short-lived.  It seems revivals are like that, short-lived. They are like a boost and a revival is an equipping.  In the same way that there was a great revival, but short-lived, and then great tribulation and persecution, in the same way it will happen again.  There will be a great revival that will be short-lived and after that the great tribulation will begin.  This time it will be the great tribulation that will take place and it will be all over this world.  That revival has not happened yet and we are not yet in the great tribulation.  We have to look at the patterns, the types and shadows in the Word of God to get an understanding.  We are very close to that time and we know that the earth, the creation is groaning for the adoption of the sons and daughters of God to be made manifest.  These are they that He has chosen to be a light unto this world in the darkness that is coming. 

A question asked me a while back was, “Pietra, how are we going to make it in the time to come?  How are we going endure the hardship?”  When we look at the holocaust and what happened to the Jews and various other areas in the world where calamity has happened, it will be all over the world with great chaos and heartache.  How are we going to handle our family being slaughtered?  How are we going to handle not having food?  How are we going to handle being in consecration camps?  How are we going to handle seeing our loved ones beheaded?  How are we going to endure it?  And that is the type of questions we need to ask ourselves.  If I cannot handle the small things happening in my home, how am I going to handle that?  We need to cry out to God in authenticity and say, “Lord, prepare my heart!”  This is my call upon my life and what Father has raised me up for, to prepare people’s hearts to come.  Am I saying that I am 100% prepared?  Absolutely not!  I think of when I was pregnant with my daughter, reading whatever book I could find, but when she came, heck no, I was not prepared for what was waiting for me.  Am I saying that all the preparation you have gone through will fall away?  Obviously not.  I am saying the real thing, is the real thing and then you want at least under your belt some preparation and we need to get down on our knees and cry out to God for that preparation continually.  Having said that, the question remains, “How are we going to endure it?”

When I spoke to Father about it, He took me to Matthew 4.  Matthew 4 is about Yeshua being taken into the wilderness, being tempted by the enemy.  At this Father said to me, “I did not spare my Son.”  Now, when we start reading Matthew 4, we immediately start with the first words, “And the Spirit led him into the wilderness.” We need to understand that in the same way Yeshua was led into the wilderness, in the same way Israel was led into the wilderness when they came out of Egypt.  At that time when they went into the wilderness, two things came their way.  Tests and trials.  What which was will be again.  In the same way the tests and the trials will be again.  Just like He did not spare His Son, in the same way, we will not be spared.  Not that He is out to get us, but we must remember that He promised us, “I will perfect that which concerns you.”  You are His workmanship and whatever you have not learned thus far in your life by whatever preparation you have gone through and He has determined that you need to be a worker here to bring others to the Lord and into the Kingdom of God, you must remember that you will still be learning, whether you are an apostle, a disciple or prophet or anybody, a worker, you will never stop learning and your faith will still be tried and tested.  You will have to endure the tribulation that comes with the wilderness experience.  All your wildernesses thus far have prepared you for this wilderness you will be going into.  It will continue until the day that He has predetermined for you, all the testing and all the trials have fulfilled His purposes in you and He decides today is the day that you go home in whatever form He wishes.  Up until that day you are not leaving, unless you sin or walk away and that opens a door for the enemy.  Looking at the example of Yeshua, right before He was led into the wilderness, which is the first verse in Matthew 4, we read in Matthew 3 of how Yeshua was baptized.  He was walking in absolute obedience to the Father, no sin in His life, none, not even in thought.  He went to John the Baptist and said that it is needful for Him to be baptized in order to fulfill prophecy.  It was obedience.  The moment He came out of the water, the Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove and sat upon Him and everybody heard as the clouds opened the thundering voice of God, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him.”  Here we see the example of the Spirit of God, the Revival I spoke about that will be short-lived, and then being sent into the wilderness.  It is a short-lived revival, then the tribulation.  He was 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness, fasting.  Think of the weakness He was baptized into.  Father knew that he would be tested and tried in the wilderness, but that was also according to Father’s plan.  The Spirit led Him into that wilderness to be tested and tried.  We know another example is Gideon’s army.  An angel appears to Gideon and calls him a mighty man of valor and a warrior and he has to get an army together that is later reduced to only three hundred men.  We know that the purpose behind that is that the Lord God is the only one that gets the glory.  The only one.  By whose strength did Yeshua refute the enemy and come against him?  It was only by the strength of His Father, in complete and utter dependence.  Suffering and glory go together and weakness and strength go together.   This is God’s economy and it is not going to change.  We will be baptized in weakness, but we will also experience glory.  The weakness will be in suffering so that we may experience that glory.  Our perception and disposition towards suffering, whether we grumble and groan, will determine whether we will endure or not.  How we look at it.  To be able to endure you need to be able to hold onto something that keeps you focused, helps you to get up and that holds you together in times where you most definitely will be able to identify with those left behind, including Judah, saying “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!”  It will be just as great a reality to you as to them alike.  There will be times where you too will feel, “Where are you God?”  Even though you have been filled with the Spirit and have experienced signs and wonders.  There will be times that you will find yourself in despair and where your faith will be tried.  You have to understand that this is not going to be a time where you will be filled with the glory of God and the power of God and walk like Moses through the waters parting.  As if the waters are not going to touch you.  We have to understand we will be sharing in one another’s suffering, but how we endure and go through it will be our testimony.  Just like Yeshua when He was here endured the ridicule, the suffering and betrayal, endured so much and never opened His mouth.  This, once again, the greatest testimony of the love of God, of the patience and power of God to use weak vessels, like us.  We have to embrace our weakness and embrace suffering even now so that His glory can be made manifest.

HEBREWS 3: 7 – 8

Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, Today if ye will hear his voice,

Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness:

We know that Hebrews 3 going into Hebrews 4, talks about how they failed the Lord through mumbling and groaning, because they could not handle the hardship.  The other day a thought came to me, and I think that it is a huge possibility.  We have all heard of the great falling away, and yes, we understand that it is going to be a time of great deception.  But, I cannot help but believe that the time we are going in, if anything, the hardship, suffering the trauma, the hunger, persecution, all of that will cause many to fall away in the time to come.  They will truly feel forsaken by God.  This is why He will send out His workers, but the workers will have to be prepared.  There will be a great falling away and I believe even some of the workers.  We have to understand that everything that you are about now, is preparing you for that and He has predetermined everything that will happen in this time.  Just like He has prepared everything now in your life, who comes into your life, who does not.  What happens to you and even the smallest details that He is involved with.  He says all your days have been written in His book.  When I spoke to Him about this time, He said, “Pietra, if I have been with you all along in this time now, with everything that you have gone through in your life; and I have predetermined everything that needs to happen to you, and had a purpose with it, how much more in a time of the greatest testing and trial of your life will I be with you and predetermine what may and what may not happen to you?”  We have to realize this, even then, nothing and nobody will be able to get to His children without having to go through Him first to be able to get to us, unless there is an open door and we allow the enemy to come in.   However, if there is no open door, nothing can touch you unless Father says “yes, this is needful.”  How can I say this?  A very good example is Paul.  Paul, a man who said, “Follow me as I follow Christ”, was the same man that was flogged three times.  Far more than Christ.  He was shipwrecked twice, suffering hunger often, fought beasts, ran for his life, in prison and what that man went through is unbelievable.  And yet, he wrote three quarters of the New Testament.  This is a man that the Lord God showed great revelations and mysteries, but what suffering went with it?  We have to understand it is a reality and it will be determined by our Father. 

Yeshua said to His disciples after He breathed on them, “As My Father sent me, so I send you.”  The Father sent Him as a babe, and he grew up a lamb sent amongst the wolves.   In the same way Paul says in Romans 8, we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.  In Luke 11 Yeshua addresses this…

LUKE 11: 49 – 50

49 Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:

50 That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation;

What Father showed me with regards to the army of the Lord marching two by two is that it will consist of the apostles and the prophets.  The Word says that the foundation of the Church is laid or built upon the apostles and the prophets.  This is the two by two.  It is not that there will only be two people walking together at the same time, but rather it is talking about the prophetic and the apostolic office and function.  The spirit of this army will be walking in unison and will be a provision for each other in this time.  Why do I say this?  We have to understand the apostolic and prophetic function.  What is a prophet and what is an apostle?  These days everybody is a prophet or an apostle apparently.  An apostle’s main purpose is to be a shepherd.  He can be prophetic, but not all apostles are prophets.  He operates in the five-fold ministry, even though not necessarily all at once.  He can be a teacher, or prophetic or a pastor of a community or an evangelist.   This is why the Word says first apostles then the prophets.  The five-fold ministry will still function during this time, but it will be under an apostolic and prophetic spirit in the laying of the foundation further.  An apostle is very much responsible for the community.  When we want to know the heart or essence of something, you need to go to its inception.  For that we need to go to where the first apostles were sent out in Acts 6.  They were anointed and sent out.  The word apostle means “sent ones”.  They will be sent out.  Interesting is that the Strong’s concordance G322 means to appoint and show forth. With regards to the Skull and Bone of Freemasonry, they also hold to the number 322, which is reference to Genesis 3:22 about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and them wanting to make themselves God.  The Lord God is sending out His Apollos and they are also sent out at the same time.  There is a correlation.  The one is destruction and the other is life.  They are both sent out.  The apostles will go out with a sent word, which means that they must be able to hear from the Lord God.  The apostle looks after the community, going from one community to another.  They make sure that the sheep are looked after and that there is no deception in the midst of the community.  They make sure that there is provision.  They nurture the sheep and are responsible for looking after the finest of details, even the insignificant details.  They are very much working with their hands.  Paul was a tentmaker.  They are the ones that will be involved with the places of refuge.   Whereas the prophets are there for the warning. This is why they will be working in unison with the apostles, because the Lord God will open the eyes of the prophets even more.  The warnings need to be going out and they are the watchman.  What does a prophet do?  This is the call of Jeremiah and the Lord is telling him exactly what it means.



10 See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.

There is a constant breaking down and building up.  He is called to the kingdoms and nations.  This is a corporate body that we are talking about.  The Church of God, the army is a corporate entity that will be sent out two by two in the spirit of the apostle and the prophet.  The watchman is a prophet and are responsible to speak that warning that we read in Ezekiel 33: 3 about.  It speaks of where the watchman will be held accountable for the blood of those who die, if they do not speak that which the Lord tells them to speak.  This is the provision that the Father will give to the workers in the time to come.  He has made for another provision as well.  With regard to the prophets and apostles, thinking of Psalm 23 we read…


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

The staff is the shepherd’s staff and this is where the apostle comes in and the rod is the prophet’s rod that brings correction and that points.  I have a video of both the staff and the rod on YouTube if you are interested. 

Now, just like Yeshua was smitten and the sheep were scattered, once again that will happen.  We will have the revival, the shepherds will be smitten and the sheep will scatter.   They will be all over this world once again.  There will be places of refuge prepared.  He has already prepared these places of refuge for the people to go to.  He will guide His sheep, because His sheep knows His voice.  He will guide them there or He will literally transport them.  The time we are going in is going to be a miraculous time.  Just like Yeshua was smitten and the sheep were scattered, in the same way the sheep will scatter again.  Why do I say that?  When we look at the type and shadow in the Word of God, all the apostles, with the exception of John the Revelator, died a very cruel death.  They all died.  The Word says that some of them, would live, and some would be thrown in prison.  This is something you have to prepare your heart for…to die.  This is why I am talking about the provision He has given us. 

A while back I spoke to a friend of mine, Chris, and we were joking about my name, which comes from Peter, meaning rock or stone.  It was a whole journey that Father took me through with regards to my name.  We were talking and laughing about the Rocky Movie when we were speaking about the rock.  Father led me to watch the movie.  The movie is about Rocky Marciano, a boxer during the 80’s and he was trained by this one trainer who later died, to receive training by another trainer.  The new trainer’s name was Apollo.  Now, Apollo is the god of destruction, but I was not sure what Father was saying to me when He said to me, “Your old trainer has died and now you will be trained by a new trainer, Apollo.”  Then I went to 1 Corinthians 3 where Paul was speaking about Apollos.  Now Apollos was known for his zeal and zeal is that very provision, apart from the Word of God.  Zeal is that very provision He will give to the apostles, prophets and workers in the time to come.  The word zeal comes from the word “zelos” from the Strong’s number G2205 and it means red hot, indignation, boiling water, burning anger, and burn in the spirit.  Jeremiah also said that the burden of the Lord was burning in his bones, unable to contain it.  In this week that has passed, in one day I received 6 confirmations in about 30 mins time with regard to zeal.  I know that I know that Father is speaking to His apostles and prophets in this apostolic age that will have the zeal of God in their lives.  They will be filled with that zeal, with indignation, with the burning of the Spirit of God in their lives.  Yeshua said that the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force.  When I read that, I think of the medieval times when the people were chased by an enemy and ran to the fortress, banging against the door, “Let me in! Let me in!”  In my commentary of my Bible it also says that this is how the people were, that they want to enter into the Kingdom of God so much that they bang on the door to get in.  There is a zeal for the Kingdom of God.


17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;

18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Here Paul is speaking about his affliction.  We know that he has gone through so much, but hear to what he is saying concerning what he has gone through, “Our light affliction”…light Paul?  Let’s consider what he went through.  Here is Paul, a man that has gone through everything, but light affliction.  He is saying it is worth it.  Why?  Because he is looking at something that is more exceeding and has an eternal weight of glory.  What was Paul on about?  We can read that, but do we understand what he is saying?  What is he talking about?  I would like to read a quote from my mentor, Art Katz.

“To bear the pain of suffering without its redemptive understanding and its purpose, is to lose its value.  There is a redemptive purpose in bearing affliction coming from the hand of God.”

Basically what it is saying is that if you do not understand the reason why you are going through what you are going through, you lose its value.  In the same way, what we will be going through, will have an eternal weight of glory, but if we do not know what that is, we will lose the value of what we endure.  We will most certainly not be saying with Paul, “This light affliction”.  And yet, the Lord God is working in us this understanding.  There is a zeal to be had, an understanding of an eternal weight of glory that is awaiting us.  What is that eternal weight of glory?  Yeshua came for that very thing.  He was sent for it.  Not just sent in order to die for us on the cross and making a way to the Father.  It is even far greater than that, although everything hinges on the cross.  That which He came for was the Kingdom of God.  It was to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth.  At this present time, the world has been given to the enemy.  It is under his grip and why the enemy could say to the Lord, “If you bow down to me, I will give you all these kingdoms. You do not have to suffer.  You do not have to go to the cross.  Just bow to me and I will literally give everything to you.  You can have it.”  Why?  It was not because he did not want Him to suffer because he cared for Him.  He did not want the Kingdom of God to be established on this earth.  This is the reason why the Son came.  He came, as the foot of God to crush the enemy on the cross, to establish as Joshua, in every place He placed His feet, the Kingdom of God.  We are the feet of Christ and He the feet of God, taking the ground on this earth saying, “I have established My rule.” Psalm 24 says that the earth is the Lord’s and all they that dwell therein.  This is what is being established with the workers and what Yeshua did.  He came to bring the Kingdom of God down upon this earth.  This is what it is all about.  If we do not have an understanding of the eternal weight of glory of the Kingdom of God on this earth, we will not be willing to suffer for it.  We will not be willing to die for it.  We have to be willing to be apprehended by the understanding of the Kingdom of God upon this earth.  It has to be that zeal, that burning desire, it has to be the heartbeat in us that says, “For this reason, I gladly lay down all things on the altar, for this I lay my life down.”  For this the Son of God laid His life down as well.


1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

For by it the elders obtained a good report.

What the elders experienced was by faith.  Out of my heart the other day came a cry.  I said, “Lord, there must be a cause bigger than ourselves that we would be willing to die for it.”  That cause has to be bigger than us.  That cause is the Kingdom of God to be established on this earth.  To the degree that we have an eternal perspective of the millennial reign of the Kingdom of God on this earth, is determined by our lack of understanding or apprehension of the Kingdom of God.  Everything that happens to us have to have an eternal perspective in mind with it.  Why we are going through it.  If we are not apprehended by it, we will not die for it.  It will then not be bigger than ourselves.  The apprehension of the Kingdom of God and what you will be laying your life down for, how big that apprehension is, will determine whether you will die for it or not.  Therefore, we have to cry out to Him and say, “Lord, apprehend me with this zeal.  Let this apostolic and prophetic spirit that will be the characteristic of this apostolic age be mine.  Let it burn hot in me.  Prepare me for this!” 

13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.

15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.

16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

These all died in faith.  Who are these elders?  In verse 2 it says that by faith these elders obtained a good report.  When you read Hebrews 11 and continue into Hebrews 12, you see that these elders are the cloud of invisible witnesses.  They are those who have gone before us.  Not only that, if you look at the context of the list given to us, this list speaks of the elders, the patriarchs.  It speaks of them who did not receive that country, that city that could not be seen.  They died knowing that they will obtain it.  The Word says in the last verses of Hebrews 11…


33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.

34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.

35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:

These are all positive things and mighty things that happened through them.  But, listen to what also happened.

36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:

37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;

38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.

39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:

40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.


We have to read this in context with Romans 11. Romans 11 is where Paul speak about how the Gentiles have received mercy, because the eyes of the Jews were blinded.  Now, not all Jews are blind, some do get converted.  The majority were blinded so that the Gentiles that did not obtain mercy could obtain mercy (Hosea 2).  Because of them being blinded, we could obtain mercy.  They are these witnesses that want to receive a city.  We also are looking to that city.  This is what it is all about, about the Kingdom of God coming down upon this earth.  This is what they died for and this is what we will die for.  Like them, we cannot look back and have to look to the unseen.  This was their very endurance and in the time to come it will be ours.  This was their zeal and will be our zeal and endurance.  Hebrews 12:1 tells us that we have a cloud of witnesses and that we are to look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith who endured.  Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross.  Father told me that in the time to come, it will all be about enduring to the end, for which we will receive a crown.  

Let’s read Psalm 132, understanding that they are awaiting this weight of glory that Paul was speaking about.  We are preparing that city with them, laying the foundation as the Gentiles.  This greater glory is going to come.  The Word of God says that we will be Kings and Priests of this city come down.  We will be the Kings and Priests in the New Jerusalem.  This will be a Davidic Kingdom that will come down.  The Priests and Kings will teach the people between the holy and profane, the clean and unclean.  This is what their function will be.  In Psalm 132 we read of the promise of the Lord God with regard to this Davidic Kingdom.


Arise, O Lord, into thy rest; thou, and the ark of thy strength.

Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy.

10 For thy servant David's sake turn not away the face of thine anointed.

11 The Lord hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne.

12 If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore.

13 For the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation.

14 This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.

15 I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread.

16 I will also clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall shout aloud for joy.

17 There will I make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed.

18 His enemies will I clothe with shame: but upon himself shall his crown flourish.

This is that millennial reign of the Kingdom of God come down on this earth. The Lord Yeshua, the Son of David, reigning upon this earth.  We need to understand that this is the weight of eternal glory that we are fighting for, that we are laying our lives down for.  So that we will be raised to reign as Kings and Priests upon this earth.  How can we reign if we have not yet been apprehended by the reality of the Kingdom of God?  If that zeal for His Kingdom is not in our hearts?  It has to be a very real felt thing.  We have to be apprehended by it.  In Romans 11 we read that by our mercy, they will obtain mercy.  Who are they?  Paul is speaking of his kinsman, of Judah.  He is speaking of them that were blinded. The remnant that will be dispersed once they have been attacked, saying “I have saved a remnant that have not bowed down to Baal”, those will be in the wilderness.  Not just during Trumpets, but also during Seals that is also a type and shadow of the wilderness.  He will send them to the places of refuge, because He has prepared those for them.  Not just for the church that will be left behind, but for Judah too.  And He will raise up those that will give them mercy that will extend mercy to them in the wilderness.  Their eyes were blinded, but they will see.  How will they see?  Not because we can say, “Jesus loves you”, but because we are willing to lay our lives down for the Kingdom of God that is a reality to us and their eyes will be opened and they will know.  When we go to Isaiah 35 we see that by the Spirit he is speaking to someone to speak to the remnant.  He is saying to them, “This is what you must speak to them…”


Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.

Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.

Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.

Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.


This is all talking about the millennial reign and He has determined that they will be dispersed in the wilderness, but He has also determined who will minister to them.  Those who have obtained mercy.  That is us, the Gentile bride, the workers, will show them mercy and their eyes will be opened.  The eyes He has blinded will be opened, and the ears He has made deaf, will be opened.  All glory to our God!  We have to be apprehended with an understanding and an eternal perspective in our suffering, for only in that apprehension will we be willing to lay our lives down.  The powers of the air are very much aware of this reality, of the Davidic Kingdom of God.  They are foaming at the mouth to destroy the children of God, particularly Judah.  They will pursue them with a vehemence like never before.  They will go after them with a zeal, after the army of God, to slaughter whether you are a Gentile or Jew, but specifically the Jew.  They will run after them with a flood from their mouths and try to swallow them up and persecute them, but God will bring them to places of refuge.  Everything we see in types and shadows even in movies.  There is even a movie called “The game of thrones”.    I have never seen it.  It is all about thrones, all about crowns.  It is all about rulership and we cannot lose sight of the big picture in our suffering in the time to come. 


And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

Even after the millennial reign, after seeing the Kingdom of God on this earth, the enemy will go out after being loosed and he will deceive the nations.  There will still be people that will be deceived in that time.  They will still be able to be deceived and one can only imagine what kind of deception will be then.  If you have Yeshua, the Son of God reigning in Jerusalem and it is for a thousand years long, seeing wonders and the beauty of His kingdom and Satan can still come and deceive people, you have to understand that level of deception and that there will still be people in that time that will not bow their knee. 


24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.

“Them which are saved”…there will be those that are not saved.  We know that according to Zachariah that everybody will come to the feast of tabernacles up to Jerusalem and there will be those who will not come up to honor God.  After that there will be the final judgment. 

Joan of Arc and Richard the Brave are good examples of zeal.  Joan of Arc is a good example of the warrior bride who gave her life, being on the forefront.  She was a martyr.  It is said that when she burned at the stake, everything burned except her heart, because her heart was already aflamed.  Her heart was so full of zeal for the kingdom of France.  How much more must the heart of the Bride of God be burning hot with the zeal for the Kingdom of God.  The same with Richard the Brave who was the real Braveheart.  When he was on his deathbed he told his best friend to take his heart out and wear it around his neck into battle.  His friend did so and whirled it around in battle.  When it fell to the ground, he fell on top of his king’s heart to protect it to the very end.  Protecting the heart of the King.  This is the stuff that warriors are made of and it cannot be without zeal.  It cannot be without indignation over the works of the enemy and it cannot be without the burning zeal of the heart of God in our hearts.  This is what this apostolic bridal company, consisting of a Moses and Elijah Company will be.  Moses the apostolic and Elijah the prophetic, two by two.  This is the heart they will go out with.


Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

The glory that we will receive during the Revival will be our provision in the time of the wilderness, but also the glory that will rest upon us during the Kingdom of God, to be Kings and Priests of that Kingdom, that eternal weight of glory upon this earth.  We have to be apprehended by it.

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