Monday, July 10, 2023




Well, it has been a while since I posted on here.  Today, I am coming with good news.  Since the time Father asked me to no longer make videos on The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation channel, and asked me to go on a fast, He then started to show me deeper things in His word.  He started opening up to me more about the Tabernacle.  During this time, He birthed a new ministry called "His Fair Maidens", which are basically the Worker Bride.  He showed me different groups I will be ministering to in this new beginning.  I do believe much ground is here prepared for exactly that time and the whole of the Tribulation.  What an honor to be called to this mighty work to prepare His Worker Bride, His Fair Maidens.  Now, of course, fair maidens refer to bondslaves as well, so this is men included and we know the Bride consists of men and woman.  I know there has been of my male friends anticipating this as well.

I post with this my "introduction video" of how His Fair Maidens was birthed as well as our website.  This website is an absolute feast!  All glory to our Abba!  It has a page dedicated to Heaven's Blueprint, The Tabernacle, a page dedicated to my teachings and a page for End Time Foundation.   There is so much more on this site and it is not only dedicated to teachings, but also to dreams and visions as much of my teaching entails dreams and visions and their interpretations.  And there is much more, but you will have to go see for yourself.  This is truly a table set before us in the presence of our enemies and you are invited!!  

I will still keep The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation blog and YouTube channel going as it has been the foundation of this new ministry.  It has also been the first fruits of my ministry and I believe He will bless the latter even more.  What a journey it has been.  

All I can say is, "COME AND EAT! Come have your fill and allow the King to even serve you now."  

Please visit the website:

Please subscribe to our channel

You will also find our telegram and discord account in the description of the video.

There are already a teaching on called "Hind's Feet" and a playlist with short encouraging words.  Next week another teaching already in the "oven".

I give Father all the glory...

I love you dearly Beloveds!


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